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Simple men

    Men accept illusions knowingly, because sometimes even the real thing is just an illusion.

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    Burn after marrying

    With very few exceptions, everyone has a few skeletons in their closet. Many things have happened before meeting the one and sealing the deal in holy matrimony.

    So for people who are like myself, full of flaws, with memories, skeletons and failed relationships. It's really important to welcome the lady in your life with a clean slate. Because, believe it or not, no matter how many times she says "I forgive you", that doesn't count the minute she discovers something new...

    So here's you're guide to waterproofing your relationship against sudden "discoveries" that might ruin your, otherwise perfect, new year holiday.

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    Dating tips: #1 Be assertive

    A great friend of mine caught me on messenger this evening and asked me what to do with the woman of his dreams. As many guys around the world, he's really great. Successful, and very decent. But in that lies his problem. He is a shy person in general, and exceedingly shy with people he has feelings for.

    While I was talking to him, a few tips came to my mind. I decided I should share them with a greater audience. I will let the female readers of this blog judge what I've got to say.

    My goal here is to help, after all, I have my own success story as credentials. I landed the woman of my dreams, not traditionally. But following these tips that I will share with everyone.

    I have to stress, there is no competition here. It's not about keeping score. What it truly it is about is breaking the ice, and succeeding with the woman of your dreams...

    Let's get started with Tip #1: Be assertive!

    Unlike Diana King, most women don't even notice Shy guys

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    Dating tips: #2 Be confident

    Confidence is the best chick magnet there is.

    Women gravitate towards three main things, Strength, Influence and wealth. Not that women don't seek other qualities in a man. But certain things can be considered secondary. For example, Male's handsomeness can be sought after but if the male doesn't show one signs of strength, influence or wealth. They're usually dumped tragically!

    If you come to think about it, the way males were shaped over the eons made them grow in these categories.

    To understand why these three and not anything else, I'll explain some more... However, I'll tie all of these to confidence upfront. Confidence is a byproduct of the above. A strong guy is usually confident, an influential man is also very confident, same goes for wealth.

    Tip #1

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    You didn't miss much...

    True story...

    A friend of mine was madly in love with the girl of his dreams... He would spend hours writing her poetry, and doing everything he can to make his dream come true

    Few years and several failed proposal attempts later. The girl accepts to be married to a suitor who was a better choice according to them...

    My friend was heart broken

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    Dating tips: #3 Be generous

    If you ask all women to list all bad things about a guy, the most common property would be a guy being "miserly" or stingy. In fact, many other personal pitfalls might be overlooked if this aspect is not there.

    The cave woman again, thinks that a stingy mate would end up making her and her offspring dye of hunger while he eats. Or that he will not share the spoils of hunting (meat=rich in protein, essential for baby making, and more important than the vegetables that she can gather). So a miserly mate is one that is unattractive. It has been the case since the dawn of humanity.

    Once again, I apologize for the ladies who find this analogy offensive. But please understand that I don't equate the modern woman to a cave woman. I'm simply drawing an analogy of the origin of hatred to a specific human property.

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    There are things that are just simply stronger than others...

    Life is stronger than death, even though both are facts of life. But a new life proved to be stronger than a recent death. That's what kept blinking in my mind as I saw the dramatic effect my daughter had on everyone who was devastated by the loss of my father in law.

    She was their morphine, she calmed everyone down. Her aura just lit up the whole place. Just for being there!

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    Dating tips #4: The art of listening

    Women like to talk. That's a fact of life. That can be viewed as both positive and negative. But just as that is a fact, another fact is that Women are more communicative. They're able to share, spread and recall events a lot more quickly, accurately, and they can recall them more vividly and in a lot more detail.

    It's that capacity for recalling events and places that causes women to describe with greater details the events. It exactly the thing that drives men crazy who are mostly interested in the summary of the whole thing instead of every little detail.

    Here's the tip that will save your life, LISTEN. It is that simple! You have to actively listen to what the woman has to say. Consider it a privilege that she is actually sharing with you. Ask about events and details during her monologue, and don't get caught distracted. Occasional nodding in agreement is also advisable... 

    Also read:

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    The myth of the perfect wife

    There are people you meet along the long journey of life, that feel like an epiphany. You start feeling, where have they been all your life. Why have they just showed up.

    You suffer a lot, and taste the bitterness offered to you by those who don't care, don't matter, and don't really make any difference. Other than the fact that with time, you learn to appreciate what you have been blessed with. Perhaps, a bit too late...

    I've lived my life, not regretting a thing. Every obstacle served as a wonderful lesson for me to heed. Every mistake was an experience.

    If there is one thing I've learned, it was to really appreciate what I have. How it got to be, and how far I had to go to get to it. Those are little things that make me, humble and grateful.

    I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said that the greatest reward, for this long lesson called "life" has been my dear wonderful wife.

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    Missing ...


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