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Call for action: Jordanians against Honor Killings

    Let me be completely frank with you, I'm not a lawyer, and I don't know the specifics of the Jordanian (or any Arab) law against so called "Honor" killings. But I know one thing. Rights are not bestowed by royal decrees. Although, those help, or hinder sometimes.

    What I know is that we as people need to all come together and start something. A campaign, a demonstration to protest the unjust, inhuman, and extremely degrading dishonor killing pardons that are spelled out in the law. It's time for action

    I'm POSITIVE, I'm not the first to call for such action. And I'm positive I'm not going to be the last. I'm also positive that this campaign should be carried out, online and offline. In shops, streets, radio stations, on billboards, on sides of buses, in social gatherings, in TV ads, during cigarette breaks, in weddings, funerals, churches, mosques, collages, universities and schools. Focus on that last part the most. We need to educate people. In all possible ways.

    Isn't it time for all of this to end? Why are we waiting for divine, *cough* royal *cough* intervention to protect our daughters, sisters and mothers. To protect our future generations, but most importantly, to protect the innocent from the looseness of the law which allows people to walk away from paying judge, jury and executioner based on mere suspicion?

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    Woman's age...

    Is a closely guarded secret because...

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    Women you can never believe!

    I know someone will come up with a male version of this, or, you know what? I'll START with the male version then jump to the actual subject...

    Males you can never believe

    • A guy who has been away from home for too long (An expatriate, and his stories)
    • A man who's generation has died (An old man, with no one left to challenge him)

    That's it (according to the Arab proverb)... I'd add:

    • A guy talking about love (to a girl) [Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to say don't ever believe, you just need to be sure]
    • Any guy living in the bay area (aka Garfan)

     Now, let's jump into the female side.

    Read all of Women you can never believe!

    Modern women and contempt

    Something about modern women makes them a bit alien! I have no idea why...

    It's rare, as in almost non-existent that I hear a woman talking about her husband without contempt of some sort. I'm not sure what happened or how it happened. But I'm noticing guys paying respect for their women -in their absence- more than ladies.

    This is completely the opposite of engaged and "dating" couples. Where the girl would be talking fondly of the guy, over inflating him in so many ways. (While the guys also appear to downplay their girlfriends)

    So what is exactly that makes men and women react like that after marriage?

    Read all of Modern women and contempt

    The stalker, and the obsessed!

    It's amusing how we like to label things. Especially when describing the very same behavior

    Take for example the act of excessively following someone. If a guy is doing that, he's immediately labeled a stalker, a weirdo or simply sick!

    Have a girl do that, and she's just obsessed with someone. Or even romantically attached. It doesn't matter that the other person doesn't even know about it. Or that his privacy and every detail in his life is being violated. What matters is how amazing and romantic she is.

    Read all of The stalker, and the obsessed!

    Enough with the beating of women statistic!

    85% of Jordanian women "support" beating of wives by husbands

    I keep hearing this stupidity every few days from every unqualified source there is. Quoted as the unequivocal truth of life.

    However, I haven't found a single "reliable" scientific source that presents the methodology that was taken to come up with this figure. The source of the sample, the type of questions and who the heck even sanctioned such an investigation!

    Could this be a calculation error? It's VERY VERY likely that it is, but that's NOT the only error in such a flawed "study".

    Read all of Enough with the beating of women statistic!

    Female Saudi Journalist gets 60 Lashes!

    Outrageous! A part time Saudi journalist gets 60 lashes for "suspecting" that she has something to do with an interview with a Saudi male who publicly boasted sexual "adventures".

    [the dude got 5 years in imprisonment and 1000 lashes] Which I'm unsympathetic towards. But what have the lady journalist done to be punished!? [full story]

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    Brain washing wives

    Sometimes, I feel sorry for some women. Usually university graduates, from good families. Then the minute they start talking you realize that they have been brain washed by their husbands. Turned into copies of their men. Saying the same stupidities, and cancelling everything about them that makes them individuals!

    It's sad really!

    Read all of Brain washing wives

    الغالي سعره فيه؟

    شنّت الصبايا هجوم عشوائي على الشباب على مدوّنة اختي العزيزة سمسم، و ما صدّقت ويسبر و ميّاسي اللا و اجو شلّوا عرض الشباب اللي الله يخزيهم[الشباب] فشّلونا. لأن كلام و نقد الصبايا و الحق يقال فيه شيء من الصحة.

    لكن للأسف راح ضحّية هذا الهجوم كل الشباب اللي يا غافل الك الله! ما الهم خص و لا ذنب. بل بالعكس هم الأغلبية الصامته، اللي اجا اكمّن ولد و فشّلوهم.

    بصراحة بديت اكتب رد عند سمسم لكن بعد ما صار طويل استحيت، فـقررت احّوله الى بوست ارد فيه على ما جاء في المقال الأصلي

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    اعزب دهر و لا سنجل شهر

    يلعن اخت العزوبية يا جماعة! الواحد بيعييش طول عمره سنين اعزب، و لا بيحس بشي ... بس المدام تسافر و اللا تاخد اجازة من شكل جوزها و طلعتو البهيّة ... بياكل الزلمة ستّين هوا!

    شو هالحياة هاي! مش طايق حالي!! احكيلكم؟ مش طايق حال حالي... لا ... مش طايق حال الهوا اللي حولي... شو هالعيشة هاي!!؟ كيف العالم بتتزوّج و بيعييش الزلمة في بلد الست في بلد تاني! شي بيفقع المرارة!

    آخ بس من النسوان ... كل ما بعّدوا عنّا بنعرف قيمتهم اكتر!

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