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QwaiderPlanet Tweeter-er

    Not to be passed by the overwhelming flood of Tweets, I decided to write a little service to automatically send all articles on Qwaider Planet to followers on Twitter

    @ToAll Just check it out @QwaiderPlanet

    This is still an early beta, so bugs are all over... Hopefully not that many though

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    Remember what I said?

    It came through, again ...

    Just to recap:

    My money is on an online service that lets you update your stupid status for all the voyeuristic morons who want to get updated on what you are doing in the bathroom. oops, there I go again, read all

    And, yep ... It came true, from No one other than Microsoft Live, check it out... The holy grail of social media tools. One status, anywhere you go, fro messenger to facebook, to twitter ...

    Read all of Remember what I said?

    Qwaider Twitter v0.2

    Ok first a little history!

    Few weeks ago, I finished QwaiderTwitter, it worked great until something catastrophic happened, and I lost my code. That meant that I had to start from scratch. That's why I couldn't make any updates for the little application. Worse, twitter changed something few days ago that caused major issues. A rewrite was a must...

    Today, QwaiderTwitter v0.2 goes live. It's not an update really, it's a complete rewrite. It took this long because, well, when you rewrite your working prototype, you try to avoid all the issues you fell in the first time. Anyway, things are looking better.

    Of course, I didn't want this to "just" be a rewrite to reach the same kind of features, so I went one step further and added couple of features, hopefully you'll like them.

    [Follow @QwaiderPlanet]

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    Supporting Jordanian Media | @QwaiderMedia goes live!

    Following @QwaiderPlanet tweeter, I decided to expand the franchise to include other forms of Media. Currently @QwaiderMedia follows JordanTimes, Alrai and Sheehan in near real-time.

    Go ahead, follow, and spread the word

    Read all of Supporting Jordanian Media | @QwaiderMedia goes live!

    You asked, and I listened

    Not too long ago I got a special request for QwaiderBlogTweeter, here's the text of the request:

    - Read the tags in the post and use them as hashtags. There might be 100 tags in a post, maybe you can figure out a way to choose the first two or three and use them as hashtags, depending on how many characters are left for the tweet. People will tend to put the important tags first anyway.

    - Have the auto tweeter NOT tweet if a specific tag is present. It defeats the purpose since the post is going online anyway, but sometimes there are post I don't wanna over publicize. If I put in a "no-tweet" or something of the sort in the tag, your invention won't spread the word.

    Today, I announce that both feature requests have been implemented

    Read all of You asked, and I listened

    Get to know QwaiderPlanet Twitter

    I got 3 or 4 emails asking me about QwaiderPlanet Twitter and what exactly it is, what it does, how to get on it, and how to use it.

    To save me a bunch of copy and paste steps, here is how it works, how you can use it.

    QwaiderPlanet Twitter is a service that Tweets your articles to the ever exploding platform of Twitter. It's no secret how Twitter's success has spawned so many other dependant technologies that are built on top of it.

    How does it work? Every time an article is posted on QwaiderPlanet. That article is also tweeted to Twitter, with the blog name, the article title and most importantly a link to the article. After all, QwaiderPlanet and all services exists for a single purpose, to bring fresh articles to readers, and promote writers by connect them to straight to readers. With nothing in between, one click is all it takes to get to your favorite author.

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