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ما اشبه اليوم بالأمس

    صحف و جرائد و فضائيّات
    تعلو بالصراخ و الهتافات
    و الدماء
    و الأشلاء
    و بقايا من زكاء نفس
    حفرت شلاّلات دمائها
    في مقائينا
    كوابيس فرحتنا
    و دموع غدنا
    و نقمة على سلامتنا
    و رغدنا
    و عيشنا الاهث
    وراء الدخان

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    تمخّض الجبل
    فولد فأرا
    ويتمخّض اليوم
    و سيلد فأرا آخر
    و ارتفاع ضغط دم
    دخان سجائر
    و حطام
    ثم نعود الى اسرّتنا الدافئة
    و نحتسي النسكافية
    و ننام مطمئّنين
    انّنا اطفأنا الأضواء
    و فعلنا ما علينا
    من اجل القضية

    Read all of رغوة

    The Three-State Option

    This is long, but my commentary will be interleaving this article... If you're interested. This is what King Abdulla II of Jordan was talking about when he mentioned a plot against the Palestinian people. However, it would be surprising that the Jordanian Monarch is only warning against this. Since such actions requires Jordanian's direct involvement... But this can't happen without "cleaning up" the last pockets of PLO and Hamas. Who better than Israel to take care of the dirty laundry

    The Three-State Option

    By John R. Bolton

    War in the Gaza Strip demonstrates yet again that the current governance paradigm for the Palestinian people has failed. Terrorists financed and supplied by Iran control Gaza; the Palestinian Authority is broken, probably irretrievably; and economic development is stalled in Gaza and the West Bank. Palestinians are suffering the consequences of regional power struggles played out through them as surrogates

    This is too simplistic to fully encompass the origins of all this conflict and how the occupation has fueled all the violence. It also fails to mention that Hamas is the only democratically elected government, and that the Palestinian Authority is Hamas now

    Read all of The Three-State Option

    Action: Blog about Palestine day -- 2009

    This is what blogging is really about. Rallying behind a just cause and putting all you intellectual abilities behind it.

    I can't claim not to have personal motives behind this. But I'm gaining nothing personally from it. The cause is just, worthy and deserving. Every decent person should be easily able to see that and support it, even identify with it.

    Read all of Action: Blog about Palestine day -- 2009

    [Blog about Palestine day] The Lies and myths machine

    God promised us this land.
    Land without people, for people without land.
    The old will die, and the young will forget.
    Peace will come to the Arabs when they learn to love their children more than they hate us.
    They want to throw us in the sea
    The Arabs prosecuted the Jews for centuries
    Jews Living in Palestine were massacred in Hebron in the 1920s
    Jews were not allowed into Palestine, Jerusalem ...etc
    Mohammad slaughtered, Murdered, expelled, raped and stole from the Jews in Madina and Khaibar
    There are no Palestinians, these are just nomadic Arabs
    Arabs are all Muslim. All Barbarian, ride Camels and want to destroy the west
    The holy land (sites) are all Jewish
    The holy sites are better off under Jewish control
    Arabs started terrorism in the holy lands

    These are just the tip of the ice berg on a history long filled with lies, myths, half truths. Generated none-stop by the Israeli propaganda machine to draw compassion and sympathy to their blood thirsty aggression against the true owners of the land.

    A differnt kind of war, not using guns and battle ships. But through twisting and deforming history of the land and the people to serve the ultimate goal of defacing the true face of Palestine and substituting it with the ugly demonic entity that now occupies and spreads like cancer in the "promised land"

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    Engaging the #IDF in cyber warfare

    The news appear to be true. The Israeli IDF appears to employ some "kids" who have nothing better to do than spread a "positive" pro Israeli propaganda on the web. Most recent engagement? I guess it was me from @QwaiderPlanet against some of the brain-washed, history-forgetting, lie-spelling "hottie" from the IDF!

    It's a well known technique to tell you the truth. Had she engaged with someone who knew a little less about the history of the Atrocities and the genocide committed by the Israeli forces against unarmed civilians. She would have probably won!

    I like how everyone loves to throw the word "Terrorist" like it meant nothing. When the very first bombings in Palestine were carried out by Jews against the British. They didn't consider that "terrorism"

    And now they equate the Qassam fireworks, with the 2000 pound daisy cutter-bunker busters they've showered Palestinians with! How sad!

    Read all of Engaging the #IDF in cyber warfare