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Are we really alone?

    Every day, Muslims around the globe face Mecca, and utter the following words. "Thank you God, the Lord of the Worlds". Muslims have been saying that verse for 1400 years. Exactly unchanged. Uttered in language that has it's very powerful and accurate subtleties. So every letter or even intonation serves a purpose and a meaning.

    There's a very famous equation, called "Drake equation", here explained by the one and only the late Carl Sagan (one of my personal heroes)

    At the time of this recording of his amazing series "Cosmos" back in the early 80's he didn't know Pluto would be downgraded from its planetary status and we'll be left with 8 planets instead of -- did he say 10--? I guess they were more hopeful at the time. Or he had a different interpretation for the word "Planet" that the IAU.

    Also at the time of the recording, advances in finding extra-solar planets were still at their infancy and as of today more than 300 hundred such extra-solar planets were found and the number is rising rapidly.

    What I love about Carl Sagan, is unlike many he litters his sentences with probabilistic words. Like, "May", "Could", "Conceivable", "Probably", "At least one", "Chance" ..etc and takes nothing as a given fact. A trait common among real prominent scientists. Especially when talking about theories.

    Now Carl Sagan turned out to be wrong, and the formula he explains (A theory that was taken as a given for a while) turned also to be wrong. Based on how rare earth-like planets appear to be..

    Read all of Are we really alone?