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How to end your Career with a Bang

    And tell the whole world to F' OFF!

    It took only 3 hours to create this "MOU", it's taking Arab Leaders (and the UN, and the rest of the world) 22 days, and they STILL have not done anything to convince Israel of anything. Bias?

    Read all of How to end your Career with a Bang

    Gaza war - OVER! Yeah right!

    The murderer Olmert just announced an end of hostilities. He apologized and sympathized with the downed and injured 13 Israelis in these "Hard times"

    He didn't mention a single casualty in Gaza or if there were humans living there. They were there to just kill Hamas, there is no one else over there. They "accomplished" this objective, and thinks they "won". Oh and in passing, at the end, he says that he sympathizes. What a liar!

    Not only that, they have accomplished all objectives. Let's see how long is this going to last

    In my view, in war, there are no winners. There are losers, and murderers.

    By the way, this "cease fire" doesn't mean they're withdrawing. It's a continuation of the occupation... Let's examine the lies

    Read all of Gaza war - OVER! Yeah right!

    Call for action: Jordanians against Honor Killings

    Let me be completely frank with you, I'm not a lawyer, and I don't know the specifics of the Jordanian (or any Arab) law against so called "Honor" killings. But I know one thing. Rights are not bestowed by royal decrees. Although, those help, or hinder sometimes.

    What I know is that we as people need to all come together and start something. A campaign, a demonstration to protest the unjust, inhuman, and extremely degrading dishonor killing pardons that are spelled out in the law. It's time for action

    I'm POSITIVE, I'm not the first to call for such action. And I'm positive I'm not going to be the last. I'm also positive that this campaign should be carried out, online and offline. In shops, streets, radio stations, on billboards, on sides of buses, in social gatherings, in TV ads, during cigarette breaks, in weddings, funerals, churches, mosques, collages, universities and schools. Focus on that last part the most. We need to educate people. In all possible ways.

    Isn't it time for all of this to end? Why are we waiting for divine, *cough* royal *cough* intervention to protect our daughters, sisters and mothers. To protect our future generations, but most importantly, to protect the innocent from the looseness of the law which allows people to walk away from paying judge, jury and executioner based on mere suspicion?

    Read all of Call for action: Jordanians against Honor Killings

    And when the murderer is white....

    You hear NOTHING about his religion. You hear nothing about his background, and you hear nothing about his ethnicity.

    This is the hypocrisy that accompanied the release of the news on recent man who shamefully murdered his wife. The media was frantic and immediately started blaming it on Islam and how this Muslim man was engaged in honor killings and how these are so common in Islamic nations.

    Yet, as my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of Binghamton, NY. I just couldn't bite my tongue to the level of secrecy surrounding the identity of the gunman. No one rushed to reveal how this guy is this or that. Even though it's been hours since the story hit the media

    If it was a black, Hispanic or most importantly an Arab or a Muslim. His name, and the name of his grade school teacher would have been smeared all over the media rubbing our noses into it.

    Update: The actual ethnicity has been released, since he turned out not to be white. The man goes by other aliases but he's believed to be Jiverly Voong

    Read all of And when the murderer is white....