Blog 4 Jordan Day

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Wishing 2009 to be even better than 2008

    It's hard to have jolly thoughts when our brothers and sisters are suffering and dying elsewhere. But if there is one thing we can carry over from one year to the next. It would be hope

    I was on a telephone call with my family where they were all sitting warmly at grandparents' house (my immediate parents), they were stressed out about the news. They still found the time to sit together, and share some hopes for a better year ahead.

    2008 was a good year for me, relatively speaking. I found my soul mate and got married to her, got a great new job among other great things that happened to me.

    But all these wonderful personal achievements were overshadowed by a number of disappointments and not very happy occasions. For example, I lost a small fortune in the stock market crash, but have no regrets.

    Read all of Wishing 2009 to be even better than 2008

    Don't be humble

    Don't be humble, You're not that great!

    I would say, simply ... Amazing!

    Read all of Don't be humble

    BAJD: Blog About Jordan Day 2009

    It's hard to believe that it has been a year already since we last had our first Blog About Jordan day. It was one of the most amazing and successful endeavors I've every undertaken. I couldn't have felt any more pride than that day. It was one amazing festival. Everyone participated with great enthusiasm, it was just wonderful.

    It's that time of year again. March is is the month of Blog About Jordan day. March 12th to be exact. This year it's going to be even more spectacular than last year.

    "This blog is proud to participate in Blog About Jordan day activity"


    Read all of BAJD: Blog About Jordan Day 2009

    BAJD: Follow up on the EVENT Live, right here

    Dear All
    This is a place holder, everything will be tracked in this post and a follow up post will be added for the summary.

    If anyone is interested in following up on their own blogs, please let me know

    Limitations as means to succeed?

    Take two examples, and think...

    iPhone and Twitter, both have more limits than you can imagine. iPhone doesn't allow you to change the battery, on older generations it didn't allow you to take videos, or even install applications not blessed by Apple. Twitter limits your breathing to 140 characters...

    But here's the trick!

    While competition were hard at work addressing these "issues", people didn't care at all! 140 characters limit? So what, send 2! Can't swap battery? Who cares how many people swap batteries daily?

    Read all of Limitations as means to succeed?

    #B4JO: Blog for Jordan Day 2010

    It's hard to believe that it has been a year already since we last had our second Blog about Jordan day and two years since the first Blog About Jordan day. They were couple of the most amazing events I ever had the honor in participating in. I couldn't have felt any more pride than that day. It was one amazing festival. Everyone participated with great enthusiasm, it was just wonderful.

    It's that time of year again. March is is the month of Blog for Jordan day. March 12th to be exact. This year it's going to be even more spectacular than the last two years.

    "This blog is proud to participate in Blog About Jordan day activity"

     To help you get the badges, I've setup this page, feel free to wear proudly on your blog

    Read all of #B4JO: Blog for Jordan Day 2010

    ضلع اعوج

    كثيرا ما سمعنا مقولة ان المرأة خلقت من ضلع اعوج من آدم. طبعا و بدون شك كل ما توارثناه اصبح في شبة المسلّمات. و الكثيرين و منهم ائمة مساجد من على المنابر يلقون بالخطبة تلو الخطبة في قصور النساء و خلقهم "الناقص" مستشهدين بخلقها المتأخر عن آدم المكرّم من الله و الملائكة و من بعض زوائده... فالمرأة لم تخلق الا بعد كمال خلق آدم و خلقت من ضلعه اثناء نومه (على اساس انّه عليه السلام، ملّ من الحياة وحيدا في الجنة)

    طبعا لن ادخل في مجال الحديث عن الموضوع من ناحية علميا، فكل القصة لا تعدو كونها كلام فارغ من ناحية علمية. و آدم لا بد ان يكون نشأ من مخلوق آخر. او الأصح حوّاء هي التي نشأت من كائن آخر و كان آدم الطفرة التي كوّنت الرجل على ما هو عليه. لكن ما علينا

    من ناحية دينية، و اخص هنا دين الإسلام، فهذا ايضا محض هراء و افتراء !!!! كيف؟ و لماذا؟

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    مسموم بدني

    اليوم وصلني خبر زي الزفت!

    زميلة قديمة من عائلة مسيحية اردنية كانت قد هداها الله الى الإسلام منذ فترة من الزمن. و حسُن اسلامها. رغم ضغوطات اهلها و محاولاتهم المستمرّة و المتكرر امّا لقتلها. او لتشويه سمعتها. على اساس انّها "ايّام زمان" كاينة عاملة و مسوّية.

    لكن طبعا ما اثّر فيها و انضمّت بكل شغف الى عائلتها الإسلامية الجديدة. و اصبحت داعية، و واعظة، و مؤلّفة مجلّات اسلامية وحتى كتب دينية للأطفال.

    بعد كل هذا، ارتدّت عن الإسلام و عادت الى المسيحية.

    الصراحة، انسم بدني على الخبر. لكن بصراحة الله يهدي الجميع. اذا انسان لم يحب شيء، فلا يوجد اي داعي لإكراهه عليه. لا اكراه في الدين. و الله يهدي الجميع، انّك لا تهدي من احببت، ان الله يهدي من يشاء.

    لكن الإنسان لا يملك الا ان يقول، لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله، قدّر الله، و ماشاء فعل.

    Read all of مسموم بدني


    When living in a society, your success is dependent on what others: think:

    1. Think of you. Not what you think of yourself
    2. Think you can do. Not what you can actually do

    Read all of Success