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Google DNS, friend or Foe?

    Anything that has to do with Google, somehow ends up translating to being Fast, speedy or quick. Which are all good. People demand more speed. Faster responses and lightning fast communications.

    Somehow, Google "discovered" that DNS is the bottleneck here and therefore they decided to, well, speed it up.

    So what is DNS? (Domain Name System) is one of the fundamental internet services that converts the friendly-human-readable-names (like to the geeky-computer-understandable-IP address of the server which hosts a specific service. In short, it's like a phone book directory of the internet. It associates easy to remember names to easy to forget numbers.

    So is this a good thing? Or a bad thing? Let me explain both sides, but trust me. If you're a conspiracy theorist, this is a feast you won't want to miss!

    Read all of Google DNS, friend or Foe?