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    No disrespect intended to anyone, but am I the only one who feels that many people appear to jump to conclusions rather quickly?

    Scientifically speaking, conclusions can only be drawn after intensive research is done. This research takes into account the reproducibility of the issue being studied, among many other things.

    For example, if you clap, and a bird flies to the right. You can't simply conclude that all birds will fly to the right when you clap. If you repeat the experiment a 1000 times and record your findings. You might be close to formulating a conclusion. But this is still not enough!

    You will have to take many birds, from many species, in different stages of their life, in different surroundings and using all possible clap noises, from different directions over a period of time to be able to come close to coming up with a conclusion that can be considered scientific. Even the lack of a clear conclusion might be a conclusion by itself. You might end up with a percentage of cases. Or specific patterns in specific birds.

    I don't mean to complicate things with this example, but truth be told many things in our lives are quite complicated to think that one thing that we did, caused something -completely unrelated- to happen!

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