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« Streets of Jordan!中国素菜 »

نينجا و نص

  • By: Qwaider

  • On:Saturday, December 09, 2006 10:59:19 AM
  • In:Thoughts
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    اتهمني البعض بالتجنّي على النقاب عندما قلت انه يشبه النينجا!

    اترك الحكم "لعقولكم" يا الي الاباب

    Other Memories Documented on December 09
    « Streets of Jordan!中国素菜 »


    • #1
    • Hayati
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 12/9/2006 11:28:20 AM
    Don't you think this is a little bit too much?!!
    ma khalas..
    Belive me u are hurting some veiled woman who may be a good reader of yours..
    It's purely up to a lady to cover up or don't need to stress on the fact that you're scared of them..
    awalan..la2anak tkhawef balad..:P
    thanian..they are ordinary ladies but wanna extra cover up for what ever reason..
    look at it as freedom..but don't poke an eye with this!!
    I'm just saying "they look alike"
    Correct me if I'm wrong!
    I'm not talking about the people, I'm talking about the "look" I'm just describing it.
    And I don't think I'm far off
    • #3
    • oula
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 12/9/2006 1:01:42 PM
    well they look like them, but for some reason it feels offensive to call them so... if u r fat and people say u look like an elephant, it might be true, but it still hurts... kaman it comes at a time when they are attacked becuase of a totally personal decision...
    Actually Oula, it's a common practice in medicine to call things in the way they look, like for example "Elephantitis" داء الفيل or another example ثعلبة

    This is just a description, people chose to consider it offensive!
    حلوة؛ كنت انوي ان اشتري الاسم لكنك سبقتني؛ مبروك البايبي؛ يتربى في عزك انشالله
    • #6
    • aya
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 12/9/2006 1:46:07 PM
    أولا انا بحترم بقويدر صراحته و بحترم انه رأيه هادا و مشاعره سواء كانت خوف أو بطيخ ... في كتييير ناس بفكروا بنفس الطريقة بس ما بحكوا عيني عينك مع انهم انا متأكدة انه لو حد منهم شاف وحدة مغطية كل وجهها رح ينقز لأنه هيك الطبيعة الإنسانية. ثانيا المنقبات ما(بيعضوا) هنة ناس عادية اكييد يعني ما دخلهم لا بقنابل و لا بإشي بس مش اللي مش قادرين تفهموا يا جماعة انه هادي مشاعر؟ خليه يعبر قد ما بدو شو مأثر على حدا و ما اظن وحدة وصلت لمرحلة كبييرة من الإيمان و غطت كل وحها و ما معها كلاما الناس ما اظن انها تتأثر بكلمة نينجا :) و ليش يعتبروها مهينة من اصلو؟؟ احنا على فكرة شعب بحب يضحك على حاله يعني لما نشوف بقرة بنستحي نحكي انها بقرة بدنا نطلعها غزال غصبن عن الدنيا كلها (هو المثال شو بعيد بس مش عارفة اعبر من دونه و شكلي كتبت جريدة هيهيهي)
    • #7
    • oula
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 12/9/2006 1:46:33 PM
    well I think if more than 1 person found it offensive, then it becomes offensive and it is offensive, that's what makes norms taboos in any society... do u respect women with niqab, do u appreciate their beliefs and don't u think that one has the liberty to hide whatever he/she wants to hide and show whatever he/she wants to show!!? then khalas, don't call them ninja... ninja implies that they are offensive or scary or funny... that is why I think they might find it offensive.. they are not ninja...wa shukran!
    Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for "Oula" the owner of a blog called ....... "Controversy"
    Thanks Aya, that's exactly my thoughts, my feelings. How I felt. And if the whole universe came to tell me I'm wrong, It doesn't matter because "I FELT IT"
    Adam ... Thanks my friend. Okbalak :)
    • #9
    • oula
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 12/9/2006 1:59:37 PM
    heheheh... why do u want the ladies and gentlemen to put their hands together for me... i think someone here was outwitted!
    you think so? Maybe, that someone is called Oula ... :)
    I thought it's a very cute witty response.
    OK if so.

    Let's call Blacks Monkeys.
    Let's call Mexicans chiken.
    Let's call Arabs Camels.

    While we are at it..
    Let's call men A**holes.
    Let's call women (Female dogs).

    Why stop here..
    Let's call Blacks the N-word.
    Let's call whites the C-word.


    If you see a fat person who looks like a balloon. Would you call him that knowwing this will hurt him?

    They might look like Ninja to you but calling them that hurts them. Would you still call them that?

    Anyways, it's up to you call them whatever you want I'm not hear to teach you morals, that's something between you and Allah.

    P.S: eat shawarma 3any please.

    • #12
    • abdullah
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 12/9/2006 4:09:01 PM
    La3ana Allahu bani Israel le 2nahum kanu la yatanahoon 3an mukarin fa3looh
    اذا المرأة شديدة الجمال وشايفة جمالها رح يعمل فتنة وحبت تلبس النقاب فهذا شيء رائع

    في دول الخليج العربية النقاب عادات وتقاليد

    والله ياأخ قويدر انا كمان مابحب لفظ نينجا

    يعني سواء عن عادات وتقاليد او عن تدين الاصل انو ولاتلمزو انفسكم ولا تنابزو بالالقاب
    المشكلة انا كمان عندي هاي العادة السيئة اني انادي الناس بألقاب, تعودت عليها ومش عارف أخلص منها
    although i feel very strongly that the veil is personal issue and women are free to wear it or not, i have to say, although that could get many 2 go agaist me (although i wouldnt go against them for disagreeing with me) inno il niqab veils the identity of the one who wears it. and there have been many accidents where it can be used to go undercover easily. and even without any accidents, there is nothing 2 identify a person wearing it. although in any argument like those of whats happening in europe or tunisia about women wearing veil i insist that its their freedom and its personal, i have to say with veiling the face and not just the hair its a different story.
    and with apologies to all women who cover their faces: yes a peson with a hidden identity is a reason to be carefull, what if some men with some religion said they wanna hide their faces for their beleifs? wouldnt they be suspecious? i mean with all respect but if i have a small son with me or anything i would be double carefull around people i cannot identify, men or women, even if its winter and they're covering up bcoz its cold...
    a student had my arm cut by accident 3 years ago (i still have the scar) i think she didnt mean it, it was an accident, but it just made me realize that i cant identify her! gone with the wind!
    head veil is a personal choice, and it must be respected, but covering the face...?!!!
    Actually,It's not an easy matter to comment on. Personally I respect everybody's choices to dress whatever they like, but coverning face leads to careful communication with whom  wears,since you don't recognize the face which is the first you look at to interact with whom you're talikg to.Maybe there is sort of disagreement to use this term or not,but frankly speaking people use it and use also Mulathameh.What I respect there the Author expressed honestly what he felt without hiding or indicating indirectly whether I agree or disagree.
    I asked members of my family what do they think of these photos they respond:
    Mum: (first reaction)Mu5ifeh.
    Me: do you feel scared?
    Mum: Not scared exactly, but giving Impression of not easy to mix with or to provoke.
    little brother:mulathameh.
    Me: you said that with your friends  when they pass at street?
    little brother:between each other yes, we said,but we don't have to say that actually.
    Dad: I feel that's sort of discrimination and giving me feeling of being not comfortable when deal with.
    So what? Ninjas are cool. Everybody knows that.
    The best argument that I read so far about this controversial issue goes like this : If the head dress was divinely mandated by God how come then God didn't mandate head dress for men as well. Some men out there are real handsome & some women might get attracted to them when they see them uncovered, and when they do get attracted to the men then it is considered a sin. Therefore, the hijab or head dress mandate was discriminatory to begin with since it is imposing something on the women but leaving the men free to dress in any format they feel like it.This argument was presented by a lady who wore the Hijab for 30 years and then one day out of the bloom decided to take it off. The funny part about her was that after she took the hijab off for the first time in her life and went out on the street she felt like she was naked and everybody was looking at her but whenever she approaches a man she would look him straight in his eyes but she never noticed any one looking at her.
    I think it is offensive to call them this way .. For all the reasons everybody have listed before me...

    Most ladies in the gulf have been wearing niqab for so long .. however recently , with the various incidents taking place , having MEN using this outfit to perform terrorist attacks or simply spy on womanly gatherings thinking that wearing niqab would save them their ID's disclosed , or even some women who'd also use this outfit to undergo unethical deeds . all of  this have probably provoked the "fear of the hidden ID" thing , yet , those incidents should not be reflected totally on those who may feel comfortable wearing it .

    Its a personal choice , a matter of beliefs , and calling them names is not nice thing , one should always apply things on his beloved ones and see if it fits .. Does it fit ya Samer ?
    Lets agree on couple of things. First, Niqab is NOT Hijab. Head scarf is different than covering the face

    As for the woman who decide to remove the scarf, and why women and not men is a totally different matter that I don't want to get into.

    This post is specifically to challenge some people, with a physical evidence that, Niqab does indeed look like Ninja .. which is NOT a derogatory term, I don't mind being called a hero .. and it's not the same as calling someone the "n" word
    Danah, It's a description ... and an accurate one. And if my mother wore it, I would still call it Ninja.

    How about we stop lying to ourselves for a little while?
    Then its not a very nice description my friend ..
    • #25
    • Reem
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 12/9/2006 9:47:17 PM
    Hatem: Allow me to disagree with that argument. Hijab Is definately imposed on women by God. And you can find proofs of it in the Holy Quran. I am not in the place to start arguing this,, I do respect your opinion and the woman's you talked about, but I feel bad for everyone who doubts this to make themselves feel better about not doing it, because I believe they willb discover the truth when it's too late. You have to have vey strong faith in God and heaven to give up something as tempting for God..

    As for the original topic.. I'm a veiled lady, and i strongly beleive in it, I am so fearfull of " fatwa" about such things because I dont want to get my self in trouble with God... But I really wonder if Niqab is from Islam obligations.. "إن الله جميل يحب الجمال". The fact is that for many people, including myself i have to admit, it seems uncomfortable, not nice and causes fear.. I think that niqab, at least in this period of our lives, gives an unpleasant image of islam which is wrong, and which I'm sure God doesn't want about Islam..

    Then my question comes, lets say that it is really an obligation.. Have we dont every things God has asked us to do, has our Islam became so perect that this is the only one missing? SHouldn't we follow Islam rules that are more vital first? Have we served Islam in every way we can? Is God and "nosret il islam" our first priority?
    Unfortunately not....

    A nice easy way to get more comments in your blog
    I'm not doing this to attract more comments, everyone's comment is welcome. But this is not my intention.
    And if you haven't noticed already, I don't suffer from "lack" of comments
    Besides I've already written about this before How to make your blog popular
    assalamu alaikum
    Qwaider; you're going too far.  If Ninjas are the first thing that comes to your head when you see a woman wearing a niqaab then you have to correct yourself.  And if you cannot help but think of ninjas, then just say astaghfurullah and don't make it a joke you publish to the world.  Who do you think you're making fun of over here?  A simple question.  Who are you making a joke out of?  Is it the niqaab?  Is it Muslim women?  Is it Islam?  Please tell us so we know in what context to take your "joke".

    As for sister Reem; barakallahu feeki for wearing the hijaab, but as brother Hamdan said; there is a purpose for the hijaab and it is to stop fitna that could be caused by the natural feelings men have towards women.  If Allah gave a sister a beautiful face to the extent that the sister feels that the basic hijaab does not do its duty, then the sister should use her hikma and consider wearing a nikaab.  However as you correctly noted; it is not fard although even that is argued in some circles within ahlul sunnah wal jamaa'a.

    Unpleasent image of Islam sister?  Towards whom?  Being an Arab myself I realise what the one thing Arabs tend to love to please, the blond blue eyed Westerner.  Sister; if Allah told us to wear chains over our heads we should not question it and we should do it anyhow because we have imaan in Allah.  The last thing that should be on your mind is your image towards other people, especially kufaar.  We obey Allah to the best of our ability and the results are not in anyones hands except Allah (swt).  

    As for Hatem, how often do you see women staring at men or chasing a man or winking at him?  Habibi I live in London and I am a witness to what goes on here.  There are people that would without shame stop walking, turn around and stare at women as they passed by.  It is one thing to stare at her with the corner of your eye as you pass, but to stop and follow her and TURN to continue looking is a completely different matter.  You can keep your stories to yourself little one, there are women who converted to Islam and wore the hijaab and ever since professed to feel more liberated than ever before.  Liberated from the restrictions of being beautiful and being treated according to her looks and spending hours infront of the mirror and spending thousands for makeup, cosmetic surgey and hair saloons.

    wassalamu ala al Muslimeen
    Wa 3alaikom el Salam Akhee Abdulrahman
    First of all, El Salam, is not "Just for Muslims". The minute you discriminate against other religions you negate ALL credibility.
    Second, Regarding Niqab, this is absolutely no Joke, I am talking about the resemblance it holds to the Ninja way of hiding their face. And there is absolutely no doubt that it's true.
    In a recent attempt to hide his personality, Micheal Jackson, dressed as a woman in Niqab, then he was spotted. Why do you think he did that? Because it hides the identity. Exactly like the Ninja wear. And it's absolutely no disrespectful at all. It's like saying (without relating to this matter) A Camel's hump is like a mountain. Do you find this derogatory? Do you find it funny? I doubt it is. It's a description, and a very good one I have to add.
    As for the other sister, please don't attempt to project your ideas and beliefs over others, allow people to state and speak their minds without being prosecuted. SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO SPEAK OUT, she has the right to think. She has the right to question.
    Now Finally, regarding what's Fard and what's not, I think we're in TOTAL agreement that Hijab is Fard, but Niqab is where the controversy lies. And I for one, would not encourage it. But I respect woman's right to dress the way she likes. But I would encourage Hijab, again without interfering with woman's right to decide for her self.

    And regarding your reply to Hatem, I'm sure he didn't mean what you understood, but in any case, This is not the right time and place to start another debate about the virtues of Hijab. But I kind of lean towards your part of the story regarding this matter

    Wassalamu 3alikom wa ra7matu allah wa barakato. Lil Jamee3. Ya Akhi Abdul Rahman, the most populous Islamic nation received the message through soft considerate da3wa,shall we try to make our virtues shine again? Shall we all work together for a better future and less extremist acute responses? Lets pray god that we will
    • #30
    • Reem
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 12/10/2006 1:19:19 AM
    Abdul Rahman,
    It's true that when lady feels she is soo beautiful that she will cause fitna wearing the basic hijab then she has to wear niqab, but that applies to men as well,, why this issue is never raised?and my own remark here is that we no longer have extraordinary beautiful men and woman..
    And allow me to strognly disagree with you when you say that we shouldnt care about out image,, it's a FARD that you represent Islam in the mos pleasant, educated "muta7ader" way, especially to the kuffar.. and by the way thats why God didn't ask us to wear chains on our heads.. How can you ask people to respect your religion, follow it and accept you as the ruler of the world if they dont like your beliefs and see your attitudes are just ones that make life harder.. We will always have kuffar, we know they won't believe in our beliefs, but they have to respect them, and that will become true unless we change our selves.. and you get me back to the same question: HAve we obeyed Allah in evey single issue in our lives so that the only problem is niqab now? I htink there are many things and issues that everyone agrees they are much more important for islam and God than niqab,, lets get those finished and then say that ladies have to wear niqab orelse.. I, myself, think that niqab makes life harder for thelady wearing it ann everyone around her.. I say this from experiece I know many ladies wearing niqab who are not comfortable with it.
    assalamu alaikum
    akhi Qwider; barakallahu feek but I still think you should have, in the very least, kept that opinion of ninjas to yourself.  I cannot understand how you cannot see why it is insulting.  

    Ukhti Reem;
    why do we pray 5 times a day and not 6? Why not 4 or 7 or 2?  Do you have an answer?  I certainly don't and I doubt anyone does.  Do we do it?  Yes becuase Allah told us to.  Do you fast sister?  and when you fast does your breath smell nice?  No it doesn't and it is only natural that it doesn't.  Would you lock yourself up in your home away from human contact until you break your fast or do you continue living your life anyway?  I continue living my life and I do not know of anyone that would hide because of such a matter.  No one likes a bad breath but we do it anyway because Allah told us to.   I never said that we should dress torn up clothes, never take as shower and act like a complete mess if we have an option not to.  But as during a normal day you make sure your breath smells good, when you are fasting you have a choice.  You either go to work with bad breath or you stop fasting all together and go to work with a breath that your co-workers will not turn away from.  What would you choose?  Fasting ofcourse!  Thus you confirm that the purpose and the formost thing on your mind when choosing what action to undertake is not based on what people think, but based on what Allah (swt) wants from you.  If your argument against the niqaab is purely based on how people feel towards it then I'm afraid you have no ground to stand on in Islamic jurisprudence since your own personal feelings have no base in such matters.

    You want men to wear the niqaab?  Why?  Personal opinion?  Your own heart's jurisprudence?  Walahi I do not mean to be rude sister, bas Islam is not based on your opinion nor is it based on mine.  Islam is based on the Quraan and the Sunnah.  Do you have any evidence from either of these sources that men should wear the hijaab that we all understand is to be proscribed for women?  If not then, as far as Muslim-to-Muslim discussion is concerned, the argument is over.  However if it was a Muslim-to-kafir discussion, then yes, I suppose I would have to argue further since the Quraan and the Sunnah means squat to a kafir.  Am I asking for blind fellowship?  Certainly not!  We follow the Quran due to our ultimate understanding of its truthfulness.  If we have no doubt, not a single doubt in our hearts and minds that the Quraan is from Allah and the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is a messenger sent from Allah to guide humanity to the straight path, then through this we confirm to trust Allah's wisdom and follow it.  The moment you, as  Muslim, argue against something that was made clear by Allah, then you start showing yourself to be doubtful of your trust towards Islam.  Are you allowed to reason with it and learn why? Certainly.  But you're never allowed to break the law or argue against it. If you don't understand then try to understand but only with the certianity that in the end of the day, you're searching for the reason why the Quraan is correct and nothing else.

    Women give birth, but why can't men?  Because they're biologically different.  This is a given and is obvious to any observer.  Now what is clear about the hijaab for any Muslim?  Is the hijaab inforced on women because of their biological makeup? No it is not since if it was then the hijaab would be inforced even amongst women in areas where men are not present.  Thus if the hijaab is lifted from between women, we know for sure that the issue is to do with man-woman relationship.  Now tell me dear sister, how are you going to analyse and produce your argument about human psychology and why psycologically women and men are exactly the same and thus both should either wear the hijaab or take it off completely?  Even professional psycologists amongst themselves disagree in alot of matters.  Why? Because psycology deals with theories and non-tangible issues that are difficult for men to have a complete and utterly perfect understanding of.  I assume out of shear guess, you are not a qualified psycologist.  If so I wonder what else do you have to inforce your argument?  The only thing left, since we as humans are incapable of fully grasping such a topic as human mentality is to see what someone who CAN grasp the topic perfectly has to say about the issue.  Allah (swt).  If you have any evidence that men are to wear what we understand as women's  hijaab then please provide us to learn.  If not, then obey Allah and ask him for understanding as we all should inshallah.
    Aaaaakhhh! Despite my most sincere efforts, this post has turned to why "Hijab" and why Niqab!! :(

    I really respect you, I like people who think out side of the box. And I personally like to challenge norms and social taboos, BUT for a reason and I personally don't see in this second post a reason, you posted about YOUR fear from them, and you responded to comments on that post and you have stated that they just look like ninjas, WHY did you need the second post, we all know what a woman in 5imar looks like, and we very well know what ninjas look like.

    I'm all for free speech, but this is in MY OPINION just pure ego and stubbornness, it is an offensive analogy ! it has a negative connotation and its disrespectful to part of society that made a certain PERSONAL decision, you are free to think, feel and say what ever you like, but you are not allowed to offend others in this process, unless they have harmed you in any way.

    I know you are smart and respectful, stupid attack on a post and on your person may drive any one to KNOCK some sense into people, but I think this is crossing the line.   

    I hope you take what I said the way I intended it ……
    يزلمه ننجا ونصين مش بس نص واحد، لا الله قالها والا النبي قالها!
    • #35
    • Aminah from usa
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 5/17/2007 12:06:21 AM
    subhanAllah this person is mocking he even muslim?
    No body is attacking Islam.
    1) Niqab is NOT of Islam, it's not required by Islam
    2) The Person (me) is Muslim, and a proud one. I just don't appreciate how people attach things to Islam when it's not any part of it
    3) Niqab AND Ninja hood look very much alike.
    • #38
    • slave of Allah
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 5/26/2007 11:48:46 AM
    the time is going,

    the end is get closer and closer
    everybody will get their time to die
    end will find out
    wether they had said wrong word or right word
    will be counted every word
    everybody will be asked for responsibility
    unlearned isnt an excuse inshaAllah,
    since Allah had granted the opportunity to learn

    everibody just waiting ... (the turn of dying)
    You too can have your Memories Documented


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  • Tamara-
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  • wedad-
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  • Guests(14)-
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  • نزهة عز العرب-
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  • Guest-
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  • Guest-
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  • lammoush-
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  • Jameel-
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  • Nizar-
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  • Nizar Selander-
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  • Beti-
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  • آدم-
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  • abdullah-
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  • Fire-Faten-
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  • hatem abunimeh-
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  • Mohanned-
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  • أنونيموس-
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  • ابو شاكوش الطوبرجي-
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  • حكيم-
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  • Saned-
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  • secratea-
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  • tulip_tree-
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