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« What is your Achilles' heel?I hate it when even Muslims get it wrong »

عمارة يعقوبيان

  • By: Qwaider

  • On:Thursday, September 28, 2006 8:35:26 AM
  • In:Thoughts
  • Viewed: (145613) times

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    تابعت و باهتمام شديد عملية احياء القصة لعلاء الاسواني على هيئة فيلم.. و بالرغم من اشادتي بالاسلوب الرائع للعرض و التصوير و الموسيقى العظيمة ، الا انني لا اخفي استيائي من المحتوى والمعاني للقصة


    القصة تحكي حكاية حكاية سكّان عمارة يعقوبيان و سكّان سطح العمارة.. و تبدي بطريقة مثيرة نواحي فريدة في شخصياتهم المعقدة


    لكن لم استطع ان اشعر بالاستياء من التركيز على الجنس في القصة. فالجميع مهووسون بالجنس بطريقة غريبة. ممن تتهرب من تحرشات اصحاب العمل الى من يمارس الرذيلة بشكل يومي و حتى الشاذ!

    ما يحملني على الاستياء هو تصوير المجتمع بأسره كأنه لا شغل له و لا شاغلة الا قضاء احتياجاته الجنسية! و حتى من الام التي تنصح ابنتها بأن تكون "مرنة" حتى "تعمّر" في الشغل. حيث واضح ان كل ما يرغب فيه ارباب العمل هو "الأباحة" مع الفتيات العاملات في "المخزن"

    ثم التصوير البشع للحاج المتدين صاحب الاملاك و المصانع والمحلات، الذي يحلل لنفسة الحشيش و الاجهاض ما دام يخدم مصالحة. في حين يتاجر هو بالمخدرات


    ثم وضع النساء العوانس، من حيث ضيقهن ذرعا بأخوانهن ليصل فيهن حد ابلاغ الشرطة عن ان اخاها يستعمل شقته لأغراض اباحية. و ردة عليها بأنها قد مارست الرذيلة مع رجال اكثر من اعضاء البرلمان القديم و الحديث

    تطرح القصة ايضا موضوعا غير معتاد. و هو الشذوذ الجنسي و تضع ايضا اسباب و عاقبة ممارسيه على طريقة عقوبة السماء "العادلة" و نظرة المجتمع لهم.. خصوصا اذا كان بيك

    ما يأسفني هو الطرح ان الشعب المصرى برمته عبارة عن مجانين مهووسي جنس.. و ينسى الرجال الافاضل و الفاضلات من النساء .. وهم باعتقادي المتواضع الاغلبية.. لكن ماذا نفعل؟ المخرج عايز كدة

    وحبذا لو ابلغ احد يسرا بكل الرجاء ان تتوقف عن الغناء! فهي ممثلة رائعة لكنها مطربة فاشلة جدا جدا! خصوصا عند غنائها بالفرنسية التي تتقنها بطريقة ميكانيكية غير سلسة جعلتني اكره الاغاني التي غنّتها! يسرا بالله عليكي .. ارحمينا من غنائك.. واتحفينا بفنك في التمثيل


    بصراحة رؤية عادل امام يقبّل فتاة بعمر احفاده يقزز الأبدان. الغريب انه يبدو عادي و طبيعي عندما يقبل يسرا او الهام شاهين مثلا.. فهن من جيلة ... لكن اعتقد انه يكفي هذا الحد ... و قمة القرف ما شاهدت...


    لكن عادل امام يثبت كالعادة انه عملاق الفن المصري.. و رائد ليس فقط في الكوميديا و لكن ايضا في الميلودراما الاجتماعية

    الفيلم مليء بنخبة من النجوم المصريين كعادل امام، و نور الشريف ، و اسعاد يونس واحمد راتب و سمية خشاب و احمد بدير... وواضح انه انتاج ضخم و يستحق الثناء ...


    Other Memories Documented on September 28
    « What is your Achilles' heel?I hate it when even Muslims get it wrong »


    • #1
    • salam
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 9/28/2006 8:51:09 AM
    I cant wait to see the movie.To be honest,sex was all over the novel,but having read a lot of arabic novels,I doubt these people just wirte out of nowhere,they must have done a lot of research and sociological/psycological  studies before they write,and it is pretty obvious that sex does dominate a lot of the social situations in the arab world,this is something we can't deny.
    I totally agree with everything you wrote about Yosra,I hate to see or hear her sing,her french is very mechanical and there is absolutely no need for singing acTors in the first place.I also agree about the older man/younger girl disgusting relationships..ya3ni ma ba3raf..doesn't feel right!thanks for the review Qweider!
    • #2
    • wedad
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 9/28/2006 10:15:51 AM
    actualy most of my freinds didnt advice me to watch. coz of what you said up... lot of bad views.... i cant live with this at all... especialy coz they are arab and we shouldnt do this and let the first world know this or be aware from it... we are not like them at all...
    i want to watch it, but i will not..
    • #3
    • Reem
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 9/28/2006 11:11:09 AM
    I can't agree more Qwaider, We've watched the movie a month ago and I didn't like it, but I cou;dn't find way to express myself! Thanks for helping!
    I disagree Qweider!

    The movie DIDNT say that all of our society act this way. It just highlighted some behaviour in our society that we all try to ignore like it doesn't exist, where in fact each one of those characters have plenty of copies that we meet in our daily lives.

    It is not wrong to point out the corruption of our society.

    And yes, people are obsessed with sex. When can we stop denying this? All of the problems in the movie happens because we live in a sexually opressed society.

    How many women has been sexually harrassed at work in the arab world?
    How many young men were seduced to turn into terrorists?
    How many gays do we have?
    How many poors are struggling to feed their children?
    How many hyporcrite religious people made it into the top authorities in illegal means?
    How many men marry a second wife behind their first one back?
    How many young guys go to prison for practicing their political rights?
    How many women get into arranged marriages for the sake of money, and being under the shadow of a man?

    Maybe you should look around you in our Arab world to see that we have plenty of Yacoobian buildings, not just one!
    • #5
    • Abdullah
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 9/28/2006 12:49:34 PM
    I have followed the Egyptian movie industry (as it’s the leading, and the first) for long now, and I strongly believe it has a hidden agenda, which is "2esha3et alfa7isha fi al sho300b al3arabyah, wa belakhas asha3b almasri".
    Egypt has produced so many great people yet this industry fails to bring movies based on their work. Even the people who started that industry are suspects with their allegiance to Muslims and Arabs.

    From the time it was black and white, the main theme has been drinking alcohol, and committing zinna one-way or the other (the actual crime or what leads to it from exciting the sexual desire in people via nakedness and others). And only it deals with love story or crimes or something like that, very few deals with important issues of our societies. And if they do its done poorly that it looses its value. It has introduced alien values to our society. It has made mockery of our values one-way or the other. It has made young people possessed with falling in love, and having an affair outside marriage bounds.
    I am not against romance by the way, but romance that comes natural and not artificial, and it complies with our values.
    It has glorified singing and singers and made them heroes and examples.
    Generations raised on that poisoned media were incapable of standing up to our enemies
    And protect our lands, and produced defeat after the other.

    It has spread rebellion of young generation on their parents, and teachers. It has removed the respect that should be there for scholars and Imams from the heart of people.
    I could write pages of the negative impact of this industry on us. And I will not be able
    To find few lines of positive impact of it on us.
    We are a nation that dances and sing while brothers and sisters are being killed in huge numbers. Drink, get high, and commit all kind of atrocities against our values and social
    Structure while the enemy is engulfing our lands, and destroying our infra structure.

    I may not be out of my bound if I say that people directing the movie industry, or a good percentage of them should be punished with 7ad el7irabah, as prescribed in the holy quran for this dangerous crime (promoting filth, immorality, violence, and sexual degradation, and spreading immorality in general), because it really applies to them.
    Someone would say that they are portraying the problems of our society. I would say
    You can address the issue by showing the opposite good side, which is the solution and the alternative behavior, as young people when they see such movies; they think that is an accepted life style.

    I have not seen the movie and I wouldn't care about it either as I see it fits in the category of corrupted media aiming at corrupting our people and spreading filth in our societies. Even if we have the worst filthiest society, we need to present the goodness and morality and not the opposite, that’s if we are sincere in advancing and elevating our people to high levels of morality, which this industry has continually done the opposite with very few exceptions.
    Thank you brother fro raising this issue for us to comment on because I feel sick of this filth, and the people who promote it, and the governments who allows it.
    I ask Allah to punish every person who promotes such immorality and filth among our nation, and forgive and reward every person who projects the great values we believe in.
    Observer, Allow me to point you to this article: Sexual harassment at work in the Arab world
    I'm not denying that we have tons of issues specifically in those lines. But, we're not a sex crazed society. Nor is it like that in Egypt.
    Men seduced by terrorists, is a Huge problem and as you can read above, I didn't say anything about that, because the movie actually pauses a valid point
    As for Gays, My remark above is indicative of my disagreement on "how their end is going to be.
    Poor, second wife, imprisonment ...etc are all issues we face all the time, and I again didn't criticize the movie on those points. To the contrary, the only one was the portrayal of sex crazed people and the stereo typing of the religious man.
    There are people who break the rules as we know, but these are the exception and not the rule
    السلام عليكم..
    يعنى الفيلم اللى الغرض منه الربح ليس الا بقى مشكله مصريه او عربيه؟؟
    يا عبد الله..خلينى افهمك حاجه قبل توزيع بيانات حل دماء العاملين بالسينما المصريه..
    الناس دى و لا فى دماغها اللى حضرتك بتقولو ده..يعنى الهيدن اجندا مش موجوده اصلا..الناس دى همها الفلوس و الشهره بس..و الفكره اللى حتجيب اكتر حيعملوها حتى و لو كانت شاذه..
    من ناحيه تانيه..احب اقول ان المجتمع فيه بلاوى و حيفضل فيه بلاوى..لكن فيه..يعنى مش كلهبل معظمه ناس محترمه و فى حالها زى ما قال قويدر..
    و اذا كان الجنس مسيطر على العقول فده لانه شهوه زى اى شهوه..هو الاكل و العيال مش مسيطرين على العقول؟؟
    الفرق اللى مبين ده..انها الشهوه الوحيده اللى ضوابطها اكبر منها و ده من لطف ربنا بينا..
    الخلاصه..الفنانين و الشعب الصالح و الطالح غلابه..بنى آدمين..ضعفاء زى و زىك..مفيش فرق كبير..
    اللى ربنا حيهديه ممكن بل اكيد حيبقى احسن منى..
    و اللى مش حيهديه..مصيره معروف ..
    و بعدين..اللى النهارده عاقل و رزين..بكره او امبارح ممكن يتلخبط..و افتكر وصفة مكرونه عملت فيك ايه!!
    ارحموا من فى الارض يرحمكم من فى السماء..

    Good post about sexual harassement. Wish we can address this subject more openly here in Jordan. I am not sure about the legal rules we have against sexual harassemtn at work.

    You are not denying that we have tons of issues, I am not sure how wrong or right to say that we are a sex crazed society, but I dont think that is what the movie were after.

    The movie is an artistic work. It didnt claim that all of us are corrupted. It just highlighted the life of certain people who has different issues. There is no one perfect in our society, we all have issues, and yes we all have good deeds. Maybe we refused to see the good parts in those characters because we were appailled of certain sex behaviours.


    For instance, the character of Adel Imam sounds of a good man. He has a good heart. A caring old man who can't stand firm to his rude sister. Yes, he has some moral issues concerning his views to sex and alcohol that differ of what most believe in in our society, but he is a good man.

    Same applies to the young poor guy, who had some principles, he had a dream, he thought that he can change his unfortune by hard work. Unfortunalty, he went astray. It happens.

    Same applies on the other characters.

    As for gays, it isnt necessary that this would be their end. The movie doesn't say so. It just gives an example of a life of a gay guy who, because of his sexual urges that he can't practice in an appropriate way, had to pick someone from the street, who turned out to be a thief and killed him. It happens in real life. The movie just give us an example. It doesn't generalize.

    It doesnt generalize about the Coptics as well. Having a greedy Coptic character doesnt mean all Coptics are greedy. It is just a case of religious hypocrisy.

    [/spoiler warning]

    I wonder how many perfect people we have in our society. Aren't they the exceptions?

    Abdullah, lets face it, good and nice, and religious is boring ...
    الناس عايزة اكشن
    Otherwise, all the movies will end up on the shelves and people will go watch bollywood or Hollywood movies

    I agree that the movie industry has a huge effect on the society. I doubt they're sophisticated enough to really really have a hidden agenda.
    For starters they're a heterogeneous group of people with almost nothing in common. And such a grand scheme would require a lot of organization. Which most of them lack in the simplest things in their lives
    Observer ... Come on man .... don't spoil the movie for people who didn't see it :(

    Not talking about perfection, but the extreme opposite of it.
    I loved the artistic part of the movie, I think it's fantastic ... not only that, I think it's a masterpiece in that arena ..

    Look, I don't want to deny that there are so many issues, actually, I think we have tons and tons enough to fill up volumes of issues. But what I didn't like much is the extra ... extra focus on sex. That's all
    And yes, I agree with you, on your analysis of the characters. Absolutely.
    • #11
    • Moe
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 9/28/2006 2:26:24 PM
    where can I get it from?
    i read the book and i watched the in every case, reading the book is much better than the movie. i hated Adel Imam, he has a lot of his own personality in the movie, he was Adel Imam and could not convince me that he was Zaki..Noor Al Sharif too, he played the same character in most of his late work. As you all agreed, Yusra should have stayed away from singing. And Hind Sabri maybe the only fresh and optimistic character in the movie. The best actor was “Hatem” the gay guy, i do not know his real name, but he also did not capture the character as it was portrayed in the book but did well.
    As for the characters, they do exist in our society, we might not know all of them, but the movie and the book did not reflect on the good people in the society as much as it did on the other odd ones. But all in all, it was not bad to watch.
    Moe, it's on Google Videos
    Moe, i watched the whole movie on : . you need to sign up with a name and a password and you can watch the whole movie there. the copy actaully was not bad but the sound was very low...good luck
    • #15
    • abdullah
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 9/28/2006 5:28:11 PM

    When the industry consistently and persistently going in that direction from day one, and when we see no effort to take it off that track you will start thinking of the possibility of hidden agenda. As no movie will be allowed to show to the public without going through maqas alraqaba. That means there is a filtering mechanism. The filter is so wide open that allows all the corruption to be passed through, I wonder then what are the criteria for monitoring they are using? As for the people liking that, that’s because through the multiple decades of conditioning the people, those people became accustomed to it, and the ceiling of corruption has gone up. The content of most of these movies has no adherence to our value system what so ever, and there is no creativity in it as well (many movies I saw has been taken from similar foreign movies without even sometimes adapting to our culture, just slight variations, with poor execution. They could have subtitled it and finish the whole darn thing).
    As for sister "the caller" comments, wallahi ya setti eni ma bakhasashi insan be7ad thatuh. I know there are some good people in any media, and once they found it that they are being used in corrupting Ahl Masr wel 3alam el3arabi kuluh, they quit the whole thing and repented to Allah. I am targeting the ones who are for a big buck and consistently producing filth targeting the mutated slice of the society that have been the victim of decades of media
    Onslaught. Whether they know it or not they are a party, and that will not make them innocent just because they are in it for the big buck, as the pimp is there, for the big buck in prostitution industry.
    I am writing this and I feel disgusted. My final word for the writers, you are responsible for what you write. To the producer, you are responsible, to the director, to the actor, to the audience, you are all responsible.

    Wider for your comment they may find religious productions boring
    , Who suggested to do religious productions. There are unlimited stories that you can show in movies that will entertain you without corrupting the younger generation and us.

    This is a media tool, and if you tell me there is no agenda for it whether hidden or not, you are mistaken. When you contribute to a delinquency of a minor the law does not look into your intention.
    Even the law of God in all heavenly religions, does not give an excuse, for being saved from the punishment, that you are in it for the buck!!
    The corruption of the moral values of a society is a red line that cannot be crossed without punishment, either in this life of the Hereafter. Enough of a crime is the resultant mutated generation that does not belong neither to the west or the east.
    asalam 3alaykom,
    Abdullah...i am not finding excuses nor saying they are excused..i'm simply saying that they don't have intentional damage in mind cause they are damaged themselves!!
    Ask any garbage man if he smells the killing odour!!they don't..and that's why they don't even know they are doing a bad thing..we know..cause we are in the garden..away from the me??
    and when they know they fight a thousand temptations and move away sacrificing what you and i may find impossible to sacrifice...
    that's why i feel that looking at them with a merciful eye would benefit our hearts and theirs..this is the call i know loving sinners they would love me back and want my religion even if it means letting go of all lively pleasures..
    (a sisterly advice:you are so tough with religious informations..humans need more delecacy)
    -regardless of the industry..u observe from the outside..i was up to my ears..take my word for it..ma3zooreen..kteer...ed3elhom afiad!!
    no hard feelings :):)

    for 7ala:backstage:788990:P
    • #17
    • Moe
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 9/28/2006 6:17:51 PM
    Qwaider,Summer, thanks.

    Qwaider, I couldnt find it..could you paste the link plz.
    برأيي أن الفيلم كان جريء جدا لا أكثر ولا أقل، لأن الواقع أن تلك الشخصيات هي موجوده بكثره في بلادنا، بل هي في كل مكان من حولنا، والجنس هو موضوع ذو خط أحمر ومنطقه شائكه لدينا، لكن حقيقة هو موجود وبهوس، القصة تعدّت على تلك الخطوط لتبيّن بعض من الخفايا الموجوده من تحت لتحت كما يقولون، لكن الصدمه هي أن ترى ما كنّا نعتاد أن نهمسه بالأذن موجود على شاشة سينماعربيه، وبكل التفاصيل! أنا لا أدافع عن الفيلم لأني أتفق أنه ضد الكثير من عادتنا، لكنه تجربه يجب أن تخوضها لما تحتويه من جرأه وواقع مرير لا يتجزأ من حياتنا! وعلى فكره، صدقني يا قويدر أن أكثر المشاهد التي أثرت بي هي مشاهد قسوة الحياة والبلد على أبنائها،ومشاهد الفقر وما نتج عنه من بلاوي سوده
    "لو كان الفقر رجلا لقتلته"
    --عمر بن الخطّاب
    here's the first partPart one
    here's the second part: Part two
    فيلم عربي فاشل جدا ينضم الى مجموعة الانتاجات الفاشلة للسينما العربية.

    يعني هذي الافلام, تظهر ان شرب الخمر عادة اجتماعية عادية تساعد على نسيان الهموم.

    وتظهر مثل ما قلت انت انو الجنس هو الشغل الشاغل للشعب العربي...

    ناهيك عن اظهار كل انسان صاحب دين واسلام بأنه حرامي ونصاب

    طبعا الساقط عادل امام هو الرائد بالاستهزاء على الاسلام..

    وكمان شغلة, طبعا مثل باقي الافلام العربية, أخجل ان اتابعها مع أسرتي, لان طرح الجنس بطريقة مبتذلة شيء مقرف
    عبد يا زلمة صلي عالنبي...
    الفلم بصراحة روعة مش سيئ.. لكن بعض القصص المضمونة فيها نوع من المغالاة شوي و اعتقد علشان التأكيد على وجهة النظر
    بعدين عادل امام استاذ.. استاذ كبير كمان زي ما انت عارف.. و موضوعاته دائما جديرة بالاهتمام. فهو يتعرّي للارهاب و ليس الاسلام و الفرق كبير
    لكن انا معك... الفيلم صعب ان تشاهده انت و اسرتك... لكن طبعا بيعتمد على طبيعة اسرتك..

    خدلك هالنكتة
    شو بتعمل البنت الكوول اوّل ما تصحى من النوم؟
    -بتروّح على بيت اهلها
    شو بيعمل الشب الكول اول ما يصحى؟
    بيفتح لأخته الباب

    حلوة النكتة , فعلا موجودين هذول الخوات هالايام, انا شفت بعيني !!

    عادل الامام المفروض انو ادواره تعري الارهاب, ولكن فيلم , فيلمين فهمنا,

    يعني مش ضروري كل فيلم يطلع شيخ حرامي ونصاب,
    نفسي مرة اشوف شخصية واحد ملتزم ويطلع مش حرامي ولا نصاب..

    ولا لازم يكون الانسان المصري او العربي الملتزم واللي بيصلي يطلع حرامي ونصاب ؟؟ مش هيك صارت نظرة المجتمع؟؟

    انا طول عمري بحتقر عادل امام, وقليلين فنانين عرب بحترمهم, مثل أيمن زيدان ومحمد صبحي, على سبيل المثال وليس الحصر..

    اما عادل الامام ويسرى والذين على شاكلتهم, في وجهة نظري الشخصية جدا, هم حثالة المجتمع..لا بل وحثالة الحثالة

    يعني الفيلم العربي ممكن أحضره , بس طبعا اذا كان له قصة , مش مجموهة سخافات ووقاحة وتهريج غير مضحك..

    ياسيدي, كل شي خربان, اجت على هذول..خليهم يكملو مسيرة التهريج والسخافة
    • #24
    • Abdullah
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 9/29/2006 2:13:07 AM
    Wallah enak habeebi ya 3abid sa7 elsanak. I share you the same opinion
    irrespect of what has been said. Wain ra7at al aflam alhadifah?
    ba3dain 3adel Emam sakheef. Afalmu kteer saqteh we soar eli ma3rooden wehoa beboos eli ma btest7ee 3ala 7alha muqaziza.
    • #25
    • 7ala
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 9/29/2006 2:16:42 AM
    عبود الله يسعدك يا رب ، أنا كتير بأيدك في اللي حكيته ، هالايام ما الهم الا انهم يحكوا عن الارهاب في الافلام و يطلعوا كل واحد عنده لحية حرامي و نصاب و ارهابي ، حتى الارهاب بصوروه بطريقة غبية و مبالغ فيها ، و بطلعوا كل الاحزاب الاسلامية و الجماعات الاسلامية ناس متخلفين و ارهابيين و بطريقة غير منطقية أبدا .

    نفسي أحضر فيلم أو مسلسل عربي "غير المسلسلات الدينية" بيصور ضمن الشخصيات واحد من المسلمين الملتزمين اللي أخلاقهم بتعكس اسلامنا الحقيقي بكل جماله و معناه .
    يا جماعة احنا محتاجين أفلام و مسلسلات تصور الجوانب الرائعة اللي في ديننا مو بس الارهاب اللي بشكل نسبه لا تذكر عنا !

    أنا ما حضرت الفيلم بس بدي أحضره و أشوف ! بس شخصيا رغم انه عادل امام ممثل شاطر لكني ما بحترمه أبدا .

    سمر الممثل اللي سألت عنه هو خالد الصاوي على ما أعتقد و هو ممثل كتييير شاطر فعلا ، و جرأة منه انه يمثل هيك دور .

    بشكل عام أعتقد انا كمسلمين و كعرب عم بنبالغ كتيييير بالافلام و المشاهد غير المحترمة اللي ممكن الاستغناء عنها ، و الفيلم القوي بكون قوي حتى لو ما كان فيه مشاهد لا أخلاقية .

    النكتة حلوة بس معقول انا أطلع كوووول ؟؟!!! مش عارفة لهلأ :-)
    • #26
    • 7ala
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 9/29/2006 2:23:46 AM
    كمان صحيح ... صار في كل فيلم لما يجيبوا شباب طالعين أو سهرانين بكونوا يشربوا عادي ، و ما بكونوا جايبين الموضوع بطريقة غلط ، لأ أبدا ، بجيبوه انه هاد وضع طبيعي ، و انه الشباب كوول ، و البطل بكون واحد منهم ، و كل شي عادي ..... شو صار في الدنيا ؟؟؟!!!! معقول يعني كل شبابنا بشربوا ؟؟!! بطل في شباب بعرفوا الله و بحترموا دينهم ؟ جد بكفي مبالغة و مسخرة زودوها كتير ، لأنه كترة شوفة الشي بتخليه معتاد لنظرنا و لفكرنا و بالتالي شبابنا اللي بحضروا الافلام هاي حيصير عندهم كل هاد مستساغ فما حيستهجنوا فكرة انهم يجربوا و هيك راحت عالجميع ..... ليه أنا معصبة ؟
    I watched this about a week ago and had a very similar opinion to you. I thought that it meant to raise some very interesting points about Arab society and what is going wrong etc but seemed to loose it a bit in adding all the gory sex details. Sure this is an issue and it would be naive not to admit to this, however by make this the predominant theme throughout the film it sort of invalidates the other points and immediately alienates a very important audience. The Arab people.
    The question is: Was Egypt actually ready for such a film and to take thepoints raised seriously?
    • #28
    • Moey
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 9/29/2006 3:55:20 AM
    7ala.. I don't wanna disappoint you but drinking is normal in our society.. I drink, not happy about it, I know it's haram.. but 5alas I can't do anything about it, I don't get drunk nor harm anyone.. bas go once to books@cafe or any other pub in amman and see the normal drinking.. wella el drunk females in blue fig elle betla3o barra w besero yraj3o bel share3..

    نفسي أحضر فيلم أو مسلسل عربي "غير المسلسلات الدينية" بيصور ضمن الشخصيات واحد من المسلمين الملتزمين اللي أخلاقهم بتعكس اسلامنا الحقيقي بكل جماله و معناه .
    يا جماعة احنا محتاجين أفلام و مسلسلات تصور الجوانب الرائعة اللي في ديننا مو بس الارهاب اللي بشكل نسبه لا تذكر عنا !

    actually most extremists are fake. good muslims don't have to have beards or wear short permuda dishdashas and wear fucked up sandals.. this isn't islam, this is bad taste in fashion.

    anyways, sorry for the long post, I think I'm the last person to talk about religion I guess..

    الشرب والسكر مش شيء عادي في مجتمعنا, إحصائيا عدد السكرجية أقل بكثير من عدد الشباب العادي..

    انا عارف عن شو انت بتحكي وعن مين انتا بتحكي, ولكن هذا لايعني انو المجتمع الاردني سكرجي, لا بالعكس, اللي بتحكي عنهم طبقة صغيرة من المجتمع صابها هبل لما شافت شوية مصاري, وطبعا لاعندها دين ولا ديانة. وبالمناسبة هم فئة غير منتجة بالعادة, وجاهلة ومستواها العلمي والاكاديمي متدني (طبعا الا حالات نادرة)

    أما بالنسبة للحية, فهي سنة عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم, وكل الصحابة كان عندهم لحية..

    وكلامك هذا نتيجة هذي الافلام, اللي أعطت صورة انو اللحية شغلة مومنيحة..

    طب قوللي, وين الحرية ؟؟

    ليش لما واحد مربي لحية بتبهدل وين مايروح وممنوع يشتغل في وظائف كثير,

    بينما لو بنت لابسة تنورة مقرفة وبروتيل هاي عادي تشتغل وين ماكان ؟؟

    لاتخلط المواضيع في بعضها..على مر العصور وفي كل مكان, دائما كانت في طبقة محافظة وطبقة غير محافظة..

    وجود ناس بعملو شيء غلط لا يعني انو الغلط صار عادي..

    يعني اذا في ناس بتسكر في بلو فج لا يعني انو الشرب صار عادي..بالمقابل في ناس بتصلي في المساجد..
    على قولة المثل..ان خليت خربت..

    اسفين يا قويدر..هاجمنا الكومنتس عندك وعملناه منبر الجزيرة
    عبد عيب عليك... يا زلمة خدو راحتكم
    قويدر إسمحلى أحكى بالموضوع بما إنى مصرية وشاهدت الفيلم
    أولآ عمارة يعقوبيان تقع فى وسط القاهرة ،
    وانهيار وسط القاهرة متمثل فى هذه العمارة .
    فالشخصيات ظهرت وكأنها تعاني من نقيصة ما، نقيصة أساسية، نقيصة بحجم الفجيعة، هذه النقيصة التي عادة ما تكون نتيجة لرغبة جنسية، أو احتياج أو عوز ناتجين عن الفقر الشديد ، أو البحث عن منصب سياسي واجتماعي مهما كانت الوسائل ، وهي نقائص تتمكن من شخصياتها وتدفعها نحو مصائر مأساوية؛
    والحقيقة ان الفيلم عرض شريحة كبيرة من المجتمع المصرى للأسف وبمنتهى المصداقية
    ثانيآ عادل إمام ممثل كويس لكنه (فاجر) لأن كلمة جرىء شوية عليه ، ويسرا فى الفيلم مالهاش أى لازمة لا بالغناء ولا بالتمثيل لكن من الواضح إنها بتمثل بالفيلم بناء على رغبة صديقها العزيز عادل إمام .
    الحقيقة أيضآ إن الرقابة فى الفيلم كانت محتاجة رقابة .
    أسفة للإطالة .
    وكل عام وانت طيب .
    Abed!!! You are showing much ignorance in your posting!

    What survey you are talking about the number of alcoholics are far less than the number of non alcoholics? or the number of people who drink alcohol are far less than those who don't in Jordan?

    There is a big difference between those who drink alcohol, and those who are additcted to alcohol where they end up drunk often (el sokkarjeyeh as you call them).

    And then you claim that Jordanians who drink are only a tiny part of our society, who are blind with some money they have?!!

    Do you follow all aspects of your religion fully to have the courage to dismiss the faith of many muslims who are in fact good believers but do choose as well to drink alcohol? No one is perfect, you are as sinner as much as any of those people who drink.

    Then you make a stupid generalization that those who drink are ignorant and has low academic background, where the only one who sounds ignorant is you, and your accusation for a bunch of people who have a lifestyle that differs than you!

    Maybe what you need to do, is to go out of your shell. Face the world, and let go of the fear implanted in you for anything that is different!
    • #33
    • 7ala
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 9/29/2006 1:09:43 PM
    عبود أحسن شي فيك انك دايما بتفشلي قلبي :-) أنا تماما معك و 100% كمان ،  حتى اذا كان الشرب شغلة منتشرة فهاد ما يخليه شي عادي أبدا و عمره ما حيكون شي عادي و بالنسبة للبنات اللي حكى عنهم موي فنسبتهم قليلة كتير لأنه أصلا هاد الحكي بصير بوقت متأخر من الليل و بنات الناس ما بكونوا في الشوارع في هاد الوقت الا اذا كانوا مروحين من مشوار متأخر بس و يمكن التأخير هاد يصير معهم مرة في الاسبوع ، بس مو كل يوم بكونوا سهرانين بره لبعد الساعة 12 !!!مش فاهمة وين الأهالي و وين الأخلاق ! أما بالنسبة لما حكيت انا نصور الشاب المسلم و الفتاة المسلمة الملتزمين في أفلامنا بصورة حلوة أنا ما قلت انه شرط يكون لابس لحية و مقصر دشداشته و هاد ما اله علاقة في الموضوع أبدا رغم انه حقه و الحرية الشخصية اللي بتسمح للشباب يلبسه بلايز بنات و يعملوا حواجبهم و يوقفوا شعراتهم زي سلاك الكهرباء برضه بتسمح للملتزم انه يمشي على السنة و يقصر التوب اللي لابسه و يربي لحيته .

    و الهدف من تعليقي كان انه نجيب صورة حلوة للشب و البنت المسلمين سواء كانت البنت لابسة عباي أو لابسة لبس عادي و سواء كان الشب مقصر دشداشته أو لابس بنطلون و لبس فايع .

    مش بتحكوا انه تكون الافلام واقعيه ؟!!! ليه طيب بننسى الجزء الراقي في شبابنا المسلمين ، والله انا شفنا في الجامعة و على مستوى الشغل شباب ملتزمين كتير و غيرهم مش كتير بس بصلوا و بصوموا و أخلاقهم عاليه و محترمين و بسهروا و بلبسوا لبس حلو و ناجحين في حياتهم و الناس بحبوهم . وين هاي الصورة في الافلام ؟؟؟!!! لإمتى حنضلنا نقلل من حالنا هيك ؟ و ين صورة البنت المحجبة اللي ناجحة بشغلها و دراستها و تعاملها مع الناس و اللي حجابها مو مانعها أبدا من انها تكون انسانة مميزة في حياتها العملية ؟!  كتير في بنات عنا هيك و الا لأ ؟؟!!!  و الا لازم اذا جبنا بنت محجبة في الفيلم تكون معقدة أو مفروض عليها الحجاب أو قاغعدة في البيت تستنى العريس ؟؟!!   

    يا جماعة الشي اللي بتكرر كتير في مجتمعنا مو معناه انه عادي ، و الشي اللي ما بنشوفه في الافلام مو معناه انه مو موجود ،  و الافلام اللي بنحكى عنها هادفة معظمها قرف مش أكتر !

    بس حابة أحكي ملاحظة في الاخر ، أنا ما بحكي انه الشباب اللي بيشربوا كلهم شباب مو مناح و أخلاقهم سيئة ، لأ في شباب ممكن يجربوا و ممكن يمروا في هاي المرحلة و ممكن يكون هاد الشي في حياتهم " عادي " لكن مو شرط يكونوا ناس سيئين ، لذلك أنا مو حابه انه ينفهم كلامي ضد أي حد لأنه مقاييس الانسان الكويس و العاطل ما بتعتمد على بشرب أو ما بشرب . فبتمنى انه كلامي يتاخد على المستوى اللي حكيت فيه و بس .
    TheObserver, please tone it down, I don't think anyone would appreciate being called stupid.
    It would have been much better if you have challenged the ideas that Abed has and stopped at that, instead of directing it to him specifically.
    As you have seen he has not directed his comment to Moey and preferred the generalization that might not be directly offensive to the particularization that might be

    Lets all try and stick to an open, civilized and respectful discussion, where ideas are fair game while people who have them are exempt and above the direct criticism.
    Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong
    Asalam 3alaykom,
    Observer..your comment is both improper and rude..
    What abed said is one thing but your attack against him just because he sees what is wrong as wrong is totally impolite.. you know anything about abed to say shell oo bateekh??!!
    And how come you see that when someone drinks then he's faithful..when the prophet said: la yaqtol almo2men wa hoa mo2mwn..wala yasreq almo2men wa hoa mo2men..etc..
    that means that the prophet is telling us that faith is taken away the moment we commit sins..
    And making a sin..has become a choice now??
    It is a fault..a slip..a flaw..which we'd pay for if we insist on doing..
    please..if you wanna argue..argue politely..cause abed is a decent muslim and u shouldn't speak badly about him like that...we are fasting man...what's wrong with you??!!
    TheCaller, inti kaman, please tone it down. And stop using your proxy when accessing my page. It's bugging the hell out of me and causes your comments to always fall for authorization unnecessarily.
    lets all stick to the subject and not the people, the ideas and not the person.
    ana kaman eh??
    i did stick to the idea of defending my absent friend from rudeness ..never got personal cause aslan i don't know your observer..what did i do??
    and..what proxy??!!:P
    The Observer:

    My dear, listen and listen carefully, why did you take it personally ??

    I didn't rely on statistics, but rather, I relied on the society I belong to, and I know these people, because I sadly I was one of them (without drinking 7amdolellah)..

    Why did you interpreted the word "sokarjeyye" as addicted to alcoholic ?? I meant by sokarjeyye those who drink, even if it's one time, That's why I wrote it in Arabic.

    Go read my comment, I didn't say all of them gone crazy because of money, but I said most of them :)

    when I talk about Amman, I know what Im talking about, and my knowledge of economy exceeds your expectations by the way.

    Anyway, I think I said my ideas clearly, and you didn't say any idea to be discussed, all u said is attacking me , and calling me stupid.

    And yes, most of those who drinks are of the lowest part of the socitey (Most not all). And I really don't know you, but if you join the high level of the society or when you meet those WHO CONTROL, not those who have money, and can't have control on their selves, you'll know what I'm talking about :)

    Ah, of course im a sinner, all of us are sinner, but 7amdollah I don't drink, and drinking is one of the kaba2er.

    And remember this statement: Doing one sin doesn't give u the right to to do all the sins! if you lie, then you shouldn't say "Oh ok, i lied, i made sin, everybody made sins, so let's do another sin, let's steal or rape". This is completely wrong, and all we seek is getting rid of sins, NOT JUSTIFYING SINS by COMMITTING OTHER SINS. (remeber this).

    and one last note, IM TALKING ABOUT MUSLIMS who drinks, if drinking is allowed in another religion, then it's their own choice, ALL IM TALKING ABOUT HERE ARE MUSLIMS, and IM CONTRADICTING MUSLIMS WHO DRINKS :)
    As Jesus would say, Hate the sin, and love the Sinner
    • #40
    • Moey
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 9/29/2006 2:01:55 PM
    I still find the image the movie showed so normal, it's not fake trust me.. the drinking, the  curruption.. everything!

    abed, you need to get out of irbid and visit amman on weekends, try Jabal Amman's restaurants & pubs, and try Abdoun's as well.

    or even check the 5 stars hotels. they offer drinks during Ramadan 24/7. the restaurants are open in the morning even

    and anyways in Jordan we have a local Amstel Bear factory, and many other local factories for alcoholic beverages.

    so it's so normal, another funny thing, wanna laugh? there's this night club in shmasisani with iraqi bellydancers/whatever. they always have drunk 5alayjeh coming out and dancing funny, I saw them being kicked out to the parking lot and cracked up. beda5loohom jowwa beskaro bya5do masareehom w el secuirty be2al3oohom barra. If you even wanna play bowling in Kampenski, it's just in front of it, play bowling and look thru the window.
    I lean more towards believing Abeds statistics. When I visit Amman, I'm everywhere, and I see all sort of people. But I strongly believe that the percentage of drinkers to non-drinkers is at least 10 to 1 if not more.
    Not only that, the percentage of alcoholics is much less than that. Remember there are many people as 7ala said that don't spend all their nights hanging out, and getting drunk.
    Yes many do, but many many more don't
    Hey Abed,
    I didnt really attack you or called you stupid. I said you are ignorant. what I meant is ignorant in judgeing muslims who drink alcohol from what your post sounded. It isn't a shameful thing not to have knowledge in something. I, myself, am ignorant in many aspects of life.

    The translation of 'sokkarjeyyeh' in English is those who get drunk, not those who drinks. Sorry, but you don't seem to distunguish between the 2. Many people do drink alcohol without reaching the level where you can say they are drunk. Maybe some do reach that level occaisonaly, and only alcoholics (ones who have real addiction) are the ones who get drunk frequently, maybe daily.

    Now you admit that you dont have real statistics? You merely based your judgement on personal observation. I wont argue of what group has a larger number those who drink or those who dont as I happen to agree with you that from my perception as well, I find those who dont drink more in numbers in Jordan.

    What I am argueing is the way you talked about your fellow muslims whom you accused of not being real ones for drinking. Thankfully you admitted that you are a sinner, but you seem to have some prejudice against other sinners who do (el kaba2er) which you happen to be able to abide from falling in to.

    I say, that as long as you are not perfect, then you have no business attacking other Muslims this way.

    It is just my humble opinion.

    And, no offence intended...
    • #43
    • Moey
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 9/29/2006 4:40:39 PM
    Qwaider, when you visit amman let me know 3ashan a5dak tshoof b3ainak

    Actually I know these places more than you think, I've seen all these people, and I have many friends who drink,

    but all Im saying is, the number of non drinkers exceeds the number of drinkers, and even if the number of drinkers is high, then this is not a justification.

    The Observer,

    First, you should know the meaning of the word "Ignorant" before using it, not having knowledge in something doesn't mean you're ignorant in this thing, and u did call me stupid. Anyway, tell me did you really read my comment ?? or you just got angry and replied without even getting what I was trying to say ??

    Tell me, when did I said that those who drink are not real Muslims ?? you kept on repeating that I did say that, and all ur argument is based on this, but the good news is, I didn't say literally or even implicitly.

    I wrote what I wrote in Arabic, and I defined the word "sokarjeyye" as those who drink, and I know the difference between those who drink and those who get drunk (thanks for telling me this twice, but this is irrelevant and everyboyd know this including me!). This is not my point whatsoever!

    I was saying that, the number of those drink of Muslims in Jordan is way less than those who don't drink (or get drunk!). I know I don't have statistics, but there's something called "Common Sense". Anyway, again! this is not the topic I was discussing, ok ??

    For the third time, Im remidning you, before calling me ignorant & stupid, read my comment carefuly! I didn't say that those who commit sin are not good Muslims, I didn't judge, I said everybody commit sins, since we are humans.

    (READ THIS PLEASE) ==> what I said is, if many people commit sins, then this doesn't justify the sin, and doesn't make it 3aadi.
    The second important point is, yes, "Most" (not all) of Muslims who drink doesn't belong to high or more correctly appreciated effective people in the society.

    And hey, I read ur blog several times, and I contradict most of your point of views, but I never called u ignorant of stupid, all I said is that I have different point of view, and that's the way discussions should take place.
    "للي بتحكي عنهم طبقة صغيرة من المجتمع صابها هبل لما شافت شوية مصاري, وطبعا لاعندها دين ولا ديانة. وبالمناسبة هم فئة غير منتجة بالعادة, وجاهلة ومستواها العلمي والاكاديمي متدني (طبعا الا حالات نادرة)"

    Abed, here is what you said, that triggered me to reply to you.

    You were talking about people who drink in Jordan. You said:
    1. They are only a small portion of society (maybe! Who knows, I wont argue this as I said before)
    2. They went went mad when they got some money (drinking has nothing to do with money)
    3. They dont have any religion: (how can you tell? You are presenting serious accusation fo many muslims and christians who drink in Jordan)
    4. They are usually unproductive people (why did you assume that people who drink are unproductive?)
    5. They are ignorant and has low academic achievement (how can you tell? and generalize in this way?)

    You say, except only rare cases! :)

    I called you ignorant in this subject because neither of your accusation is true. You made uncoherent generalization for many people who drink.

    Yes, I read your repsonce, all of it.

    Ignorant in something, mean not knowing about it. In Arabic "Jahel fel mawdoo3". Want to check dictionary? I didnt mean to offend you. As I said I am ignorant in many things myself.

    As for my comment about "stupid generalization". It doesnt mean that I called you stupid. It is the generalization you did sounded stupid to me. You are sure not stupid, I do stupid things myself sometimes.

    Anyway, I apologize if I got carried away.

    Thanks for reading my blog, I read yours from time to time. It is just the paragraph I pasted at the top of this post hit my nerves.

    The Observer,

    It seems that both of us want to end this discussion, but I want to make sure that all my words were towards Muslims who drinks, only Muslims (I didn't mean Christians whatsoever!).

    I know what I said sounds like a generalization, but I was talking about a large portion I met, and I was sharing a personal experience.

    and for the word ignorant, I didn't mean the literal translation, but let's just forget about it.

    Anyway, It's all a discussion, 7asal 5air, thanks for your patience :)
    • #47
    • hadeel
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 9/30/2006 1:35:45 AM
    Thanks for the review??

    Do you have film el katkoot??
    No actually, I don't, I just came across this one through Google Videos. I usaually don't get to see many of the latest and greatest because they take a while to get here
    Try the share that summer suggested maybe they have somethings
    • #49
    • Moey
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 10/1/2006 2:30:47 AM
    I still don't mind beer, I'm productive.. :P
    • #50
    • Anonymous
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 1/29/2007 6:24:09 PM
    الفيلممممممممممممم روعةةةةةةةةةة
    الفيلم جميل ولكن.......
    • #53
    • Anonymous
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 8/21/2007 6:03:33 PM
    مشكوووووور اخويه على هذه الصور
    • #54
    • asim
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 9/24/2007 7:09:01 PM
    اصبح مجتمعنا عبارة عن درما هدامه تسوقنا الى شى لايعلم مصيره الا الله
    • #56
    • الجوكر الاسمر
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 12/8/2007 10:06:09 PM
    الفلم رائع ولااكن ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
    I read the book then saw the movie, the movie was good but not as enjoyable as the book.  What I enjoyed most was the story of the building itself, how it changed from being a rich people's place to taking in everybody.  Just as the building fell from grace, so did Egypt.  From a strong economy to a weak and poor one.
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