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« By AnonymousWeekend in Chicago »

No you can't be an Astronaut

  • By: Qwaider

  • On:Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:48:04 AM
  • In:Thoughts
  • Viewed: (6220) times

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    Rated 4.7/5 stars (169 votes cast)

    Every kid, has a dream. When they grow up, they want to be something. How many have achieved this?


    So I wanted to be an Astronaut. That was my childhood dream. Later on it was something to do with computers. I wouldn't call this childhood dream it was a little bit later

    I asked a bunch of friends, what did you want to be when you grow up? Some said fighter pilots, some said Astronomers, pilots, presidents.... one said, a driver!

    There comes times in a every person's life where they realise that their dream, is actually a dream, and might never come true. It's one of those realizations in life when you suddenly discover that things don't always go the way you want them to go

    Take for example the educational system. It tells you that you have wings, and there is no limit to what you can achieve. Then you graduate, get a job, and it dawns on you. There will always be a cap to what you can do. Sad, but true

    Many do break through the confined space the corporate world wants them to be in, they refuse. They rebel, the decide to break these walls. Many see them as losers. Many see them as visionaries. But most will not understand them

    It's so hard to live in the confines of a cage when you have wings and you want to fly. The cage is cosy and warm, it has a roof to protect you from the elements. Food is supplied, and you'll always have a corner to sleep in.

    On the other hand, the free sky is a scary place, there are vulture waiting for you to fall. There is no guarantee that you will find food warmth, or shelter. But there is the free breeze, the open skies and the beauty of the sun! You might fly, and you might drop like a rock. There are no guarantees. There are no safety nets. It's you, against the hard surface of the earth!

    Maybe parents need to teach their kids that there are always limits. There are brick walls. There are obstacles. That they may or may not be able to overcome and that NO they can't be Astronauts

    Other Memories Documented on August 16
    « By AnonymousWeekend in Chicago »



    A very inspiring post!

    I loved it

    لكني لا أتفق معك على آخر سطرين

    من المهم أن يتعلم الأطفال (والكبار أيضا) أن الطيران في الفضاء ممكن،  وان كسر قوانين الجاذبية الأرضية مفيد أحيانا، من الضروري أيضا أن يعرفوا أنه حتى رواد الفضاء لا يمكنهم العيش طوال حياتهم في الفضاء وأنهم يحتاجون للعودة إلى الأرض..

    من حق كل طفل أن يحلم بان يكون رائد فضاء، ومن المهم أن يدرك أنه يجب أن يكون مغامرا ليصبح رائد فضاء، و أن يعرف الثمن الذي سيدفعه في سبيل تحقيق حلمه، وبنفس الوقت يجب أن يتعلم انه إذا لم يستطع أن يذهب إلى الفضاء فبمقدوره  أيضا أن يعيش حياة جميلة على الأرض.
    • #2
    • wedad
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 8/16/2006 1:33:54 PM
    as u said its a dream!! by time we forgot all what we want to be....... i dont remember anything about my dream when i was a kid!!
    Me too i dreamt to be an astonaut..we have to made balance in our kid's mind not stop them dreaming but also not let them live in the fantacy world the whole time because when they grow up they will totally bieng shocked..anyway kids' dreams these days are more realistic my little brother for instance 10 years old want to be Kwafer Sittati ;)lady her dresser,money and nice gender to deal is business what a devil generation ra7t 2iyam el 2a7lam dear Qwieder
    • #4
    • 7ala
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 8/16/2006 3:36:24 PM
    I feel I have a lot to say here but at the same time I dont know what to say!
    I feel depressed at this moment , is it becoz the depression and sadness feelings are shining from the lines of this post or becoz I am already depressed and this post has come to touch a deep point in my heart ? I am not sure, maybe for both reasons!

    Wedad no we dont forget; its something stays deep inside you , you cant see it and you cant feel it always but its always with you in different forms , it has its effect on you but you dont know so!

    I really have a lot to say but I cant say more ... allah ysam7ak 3ala halpost!
    Hello there, gr8 blog u got here and quite a controversial post this is.
    As I was growing up when I was confronted with that question I had only one answer which was: I don’t know but whatever it is, it’s something that I will enjoy.
    I am a big believer that hard work brings huge success and that needs a bit of guts, and if parents went around teaching limits in that perspective then.....Good bye civilization.
    i can safely say that every1 can b an Astronaut if they wanted!
    السلام عليكم..
    ليه ؟؟
    تسوى ايه الدنيا من غير حلم؟؟
    فضاء..ارض..جنه..اى حاجه
    بس من غير الحلم الواقع محدود و مخنوق
    زى نسمة بحر بتلطف حر الشمس..الدنيا كده كده فيها صعاب
    ممكن تكون ما بقتش رائد فضاء بس انت لسه مميز و مش عادى!!
    من غير الحلم و النظره الشاعريه شويه و الامل فى البعيد و المستحيل:
    الفراشه تبقى حشره!
    و القلب حيبقى عضله كلها دم..
    و القمر حيبقى كتله صماء مظلمه..
    هما فعلا كده..بس احنا مش لازم نشوفهم كده
    لا يا قويدر ..حب المستحيل و اعشقه و احلم..لحد ما تذوق طعم الخيال ده كانه حقيقه..
    ديم مش دايما بناء الاحلام يساعد على بناء اشخاص افضل.بس برضو مش غلط.. يمكن مش لازم نحلم... يمكن لازم نحلم! مش عارف!...جد مش عارف
    Wedad Ahlan Wedad, zaman 3annek. Yeah, some people are blessed to forget, while others continue to suffer frustrations over failing in that dream
    Red RoseAhlan, yeah, new generation might have more realistic dreams, than our old romantic ones (you remember, they were old and romantic). Now they're only greedy and materialistic! But More realistic!
    7ala LoL my dear 7ala. No, you brought depression ma3aki from home :), I deny any and all responsibility with any depression you might get. Why don't you say whatever you want to say, feel free. Yeah, we don't forget dreams, we supress them. But the result is the same. They're not in your face all the time.
    I like how you added a positive twist on depession and sadness, "Shining" is usually a positive thing. Hmm maybe we're not really depressed
    Laith AlkurdiThanks Laith, and welcome. Let me give you a little piece of advice, If you love something or Enjoy it. DO NOT TAKE IT AS A JOB! You will hate it for the rest of your life. The fact is, almost no body enjoy's what they do. I think it might be human nature. Or if they are really enjoying it, they haven't been at it for a long time. But even tough some might enjoy it, it's definitely the exception and not the rule. Keep up the positive Attitude :)
    TheCaller انا لا اعتقد ان اللي انتي بتتكلمي عليه هو الحلم! لكن، الاحلام مهمة و انا مش ضد الاحلام ابدا! لأن الاحلام امهات الاختراع والعبقرية! انا بس مع اننا نفهم اولادنا و بناتنا ان مرات ما نقدرش نحقق احلامنا لانها فعلا ... لأن دايما ممكن الظروف تعارضنا

    والله يا جماعة الصراحة بعد كل هاي الكومنتس! انا غيرت رأيي! حاسس ان لأ مش غلط الواحد يحلم حتى لو ما قدر يحقق حلمه
    مش عارف... رح افكر في الموضوع اكتر، بس هلأ بدي اعمل قهوة و اجهز للشغل
    Asalam 3alaykom,
    la..ana asdy el7elm..mesh 7aga tanya:):)
    w hael gedan..fakarteny eny 3ayza 2ahwa  bas mesh wakhda baly:)
    ana kaman 7a3mel ahwa..3ala blog isn't called starbucks!!
    so..why boycott;)
    • #9
    • 7ala
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 8/16/2006 10:27:53 PM
    Dont worry ma baz3al min elnas elly be3maloly ekte2ab , ana bs ba7qed 3alehom mish akter hehehehe :-)

    Any way sometimes e7n binshof el2eshia w bne2ra elkelmat 7asab 3yonna , ya3ny eza 3yonna 7elween benshof elkalam 7elo w eza 3yonna ka2eebin benshof elkalam ka2eeb so yes I brought depression with me from home w inta ma elak dakhal enny shoft elly katabto hek :)

    And yes I said shining 3shan akhaffef 7edet elkalemat!

    "maybe we're not really depressed" yeh we are not but "depression" here mojarrad mostala7 be3abber 3n sho3or mo3ayyan fi dakhelna!
    المسألة بسيطة ياقويدر ومش مستاهلة كل علامات الاستفهام هاي

    مع انه فينا نفلسفها وناقشها لبكره الصبح

    راح اسألك سؤال بسيط

    لو قررت بهاي اللحظة انك تبطل تحلم

    تتصور راح يكون فيك تبطل تحلم؟؟

    عن نفسي انا بقول لا وببصم عليها كمان

    انا مافيني بطل احلم حتى لو قررت

    هلأ مابعرف اذا انت فيك؟؟؟
    • #11
    • afaf
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 8/16/2006 11:30:55 PM
    yeah, my son keeps telling me that he wants to be a pilot, dunno, maybe cuz we travel alot, but the only prob he has here is that "mom, i just doont know the way, r u gonna come with me to show me the way!"...he is so funny...
    i guess each one can achieve his/her dreams, depends how rebelious s/he simple as that...for me i dont have "dunno how" word in my life, and that is what i keep telling me son, u should always try over and over again and never quit, cuz this will get u nowhere...and if he cannot do it after he tried hard  then teach him next to lose gracefully...
    so what if some dreams donot come true for a reason or two or least u will always have other dreams there and this reservoire of dreams is endless...believe me... u just have to have faith, ambition and be rebelious and never say "no i cannot do it"...that is the formula for it and it isnot gauranteed it is gonna work all the time, but believe me when it works it is heaven on earth for u...i guess u can relate to that, sah??
    maybe i did tell u this before, but my husband had one person as inspiration for his was his mom, she died when he was 7 yrs old and that pushed him really hard to do the impossible, and he was ranked first the world in his field/research productivity... yet i still wonder how he achieved this adn what if his mom's death didnot inspire him what if?? but cuz i know if there is a will there is a way, now i am quiet sure that if u keep telling kids they can do it, then they will do it...just give them wings and let them fly, skies r the limits, never bound them to a horizon...this will simply kill their dreams...maybe i am dreamer...and yet i love it..
    if we have no dream to live for, what is the point of living??
    I can see what u mean! still its better thatn somthing u hate lol
    tahtnx 4 the advice!
    Busy day for me, it looks like I am going to be the last one commenting on this post!!

    Dreams for a child or a young adult are essential part of growing up. They feed the imagination and help us humans in forming our anticipated future. Some of us might not even remember what they used to dream regarding their future plans but those dreams are tools that instill in us the desire to grow and they help us have ambitions in life in one way or another. No one had a dream about being unemployed when they were young, or a dream about being a sanitary worker!! Maybe some of you did, but the majority wanted to be someone important that has a glamour job with fame and fortune, that has a lot of material things mostly, bigger cars, more money, or whatever in their mind seemed like THE THING to be. Our society has a lot to do with the way children dream about their future. And in our current time, material lifestyle rules most things in our lives.
    I love my reality and I think it is much bigger than my own dreams as a child, a lot of my dreams were not realistic, but it is  only normal because I was a child  ..
    Dream big or small, dream young or old…and working on realizing your dream will bring fulfillment and satisfaction to your life. There is a song I like says: “ all the way to heaven, is heaven.”..
    That was too much advice late at night!! Forgive me!

    Qwaider -I like the stream of thought you have here, but many people broke thought the walls and enjoy the freedom.

    Its important to have a dream, this will help you get the best education and achieve as much as you can, the problem I see with parents is that they allow and  encourage their children to have dreams but don't help them achieve them....

    Child: Dad, I want to be an astronaut
    Dad: Great son, but why ?
    Child: because they are cool and they go to space
    Dad: but you know that an astronaut is someone that is very inelegant and have high grades at school and they are physically fit, so you have to study hard at school and exercise regularly for that .

    This way it will not only be a dream, the parent can follow up with books about that subject, this way the child will a dream and a plan, and in this child went over the phase of being an astronaut, and went through another stage of being a police officer, still we will give him a plan of what is expected of him to achieve his dream and educate him or her for that matter on the subject, this way he\ she will know that a dream= hard work+ dedication + education.
    Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that, we really need to teach realism with optimism and dreams
    There is no right formula, Hard work, Dedication and Education doesn't mean fulfillment of a dream! Not by a long shot

    Now, I have really changed my mind about this post, I think dreams are essential. They give us what we need to feel good internally and keep the hope. But, I guess at the end of the day, there is the concept of "Naseeb". You'll only get what you're destined to get!
    On a level I do agree that there is no right formula ...but I do believe that this one will get you very me naive but I believe that if you want something hard enough and you work hard to get there you will : )
    actually iam missing myslef... 3njad zaman 3anni !!
    Ya Ahla oo sahla feeki Wedad :)
    Tamara, yes yes, there are many factors for success. These are some of them. Tawfee2 min allah is another :)
    • #19
    • afaf
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 8/17/2006 9:49:48 PM
    true that other factos effect u achieving ur dreams...but here we r talking about factors u can control, like work, study, dedication, determenation...etc... as for naseeb, this is not controlled by us, but by allah, so we have nothing to do about it other than pray to allah to help us achieve what we r up to...
    yeah there is no exact formula...nothing in life is exact after all except for algebra and other applied sciences, all other things in life r simply non exact, such as medicine...
    dreams keep us a dream...
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