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« Blog about Jordan day, the harvestAnd the best operating system for your computer is...... »

Drink - Starbucks!

  • By: Qwaider

  • On:Thursday, March 13, 2008 11:12:56 PM
  • In:Thoughts
  • Viewed: (14375) times

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    Rated 4.4/5 stars (118 votes cast) Thanks for your vote!

    Folks .. it's safe, they have finally declared that they don't deal with Israel, rejoice ... rejoice ... Drink Starbucks

    Oh I forgot to add that any moron who actually thinks that Starbucks tastes good has a serious taste issue.  People who marvel over the taste of Starbucks are way worse than stupid. Way worse than morons, way worse than taste less. The should seriously chop off their tongues and toss them to the rats!

    Starbucks sucks, Starsucks

    Read this analogy and understand it ... fully!

    Starbucks:Coffee :: McDonald's:Beef! yes, this is a Qwaiderization!

    So what if Starbucks issued a statement declaring that they don't deal with Israel!? This is at least 4 years old news. What we know is that Howard Schultz their CEO, who makes his bread, and butter from the stupid people willing to spend 4 or $5 for a mediocre cup of espresso colored milk. Anyway, Schultz does donate to the Israeli army and have thereby contributed to killing innocent civilians all over the middle east!

    In addition of his business practices of "milking" his employees, hiring dinosaurs, crushing competition, bad working conditions for barista's and lower echelon employees not to mention the serious issues with the way they exploit poor farmers

    Yeah, they get less than $1 for a whole 20 pound bag of coffee beans ..

    So what is it with Starbucks advocates!?

    When we talk about boycotts, they claim they don't work

    When we point out that they do, they come back with "It's not Starbucks, it's the CEO Only, and that' his business"

    When we point out that they have no taste what so ever ... what are they going to say? I don't understand how RGB and CMYK work?! How pathetic!

    Do your self a favor, buy any good Arabica coffee (not Arabic, Arabica) and make your own coffee with it! It's still the best in the world!

    Coffee, is not a fashion statement! yes, that was another Qwaiderization!

    Other Memories Documented on March 13
    « Blog about Jordan day, the harvestAnd the best operating system for your computer is...... »


    barista not batista (although he's a dictator so it's appropriate to the line of thought about shcultz)

    All coffee tastes like crap, that's why you need sugar to swallow it!
    • #2
    • Moey
    • Apple Mac Firefox Browser
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 1:47:47 AM
    and whom are you pointing this to?
    and who do you think you are to force others to like your taste?
    starbucks' coffee is the best :)
    • #3
    • Moey
    • Apple Mac Firefox Browser
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 1:52:43 AM
    w barja3 w ba7keelak, starbucks in the ME is different, here all baristas wanna work there for the good income and conditions.
    I blame it on the american accent :)

    I'm someone with better taste than you moey!
    • #5
    • Moey
    • Apple Mac Firefox Browser
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 2:05:02 AM
    you don't have the right to judge me and say that ;)

    I can say the same thing :)
    Actually I can. Because YOU have done the same! And yoru taste sucks! Taste buds that is! You need to get a tongue transplant
    • #7
    • Moey
    • Apple Mac Firefox Browser
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 2:15:45 AM
    LOL, I'm not going to go low to your level and call you anything.
    Enjoy your "taste".

    Up for a starbucks' sumatra cup?
    Moey, you can't lower your level it doesn't get any lower than that! You can't use reverse psychology with me ok?

    And no, I wouldn't drink Starsucks coffee, not just on principle ... but also on taste! It's junk man! Junk!
    Whisperer. Please feel free to post what you like ... go ahead and post it
    • #11
    • Stupid Moey
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 4:13:46 AM
    I'm sorry but this Moey is the stupidest person I've ever seen in my whole life.. walak it's not enough that you are gay.. kaman extremely stupid ya allah???
    seriously.. he never has a point, never made any sense, a 3 years old kid have more sense more him, he is just a person full of crap, a person who hates everybody like that has serious issues!!
    you know Moey hates a person like qwaider? because he knows how to put him in his place, he knows how and when to shut someone like him up!!
    شكرا جزيلا قويدر
    أرجو أن تسمح لي أن أعبر عن رأيي بصراحة في هذا الموضوع وأن يعتبر الأخ الذي لا أستطيع كتابة اسمه بالعربي مستثنى مما أقول فأنا لا أستهدفه بل أعبر عن رأيي الشخصي جداً

    الشعور الذي ينتابني عند المرور بهذا المكان بالقرب من جسر عبدون لا يسهل علي وصفه...شعور سيء للغاية، يربكني حتى في طريقة قيادتي للسيارة...أنظر إلى هؤلاء الذين على الشرفة وأسأل نفسي من أين جاؤوا؟ هل يعقل أنهم ليسوا عرباً؟ لكني أعود وأتذكر أن أحد معارفي يفضل هذا المكان على سواه

    في أحد المرات وفي ذروة الشعور بالكراهية لما يفعله اليهود في أهل فلسطين انتابني شعور برغبة جامحة ومندفعة بأن أدخل المقهى وأبول عليهم!!...نعم أستجمع كل السوائل في جسمي وأفرغها فوق رأس كل عربي يمارس تلك الرذيلة في ذلك المكان

    لن أكمل أكثر وسأكتفي بأهداء جميع العرب أغنية مارسيل خليفة "ركوة عرب"  يمكنكم سماعها من هذا الموقع  

    ركوة عرب

    أحلى من الركوه على منقل عرب
    أحلى من الفنجان
    حلوه متل عبي القصب
    خيط القصب تعبان
    جيبوا حدا من دمر يدقدق وشم
    جيبوا من الهامة والوشم
    بن محمّص قال لها الهوا نامي
    غمازة لعالخد ماإلها إسم
    والخد قدامي ومكحلي
    والكحل راسمها رسم
    مين لبرا قلامي
    ومشنشلي متل الفرس
    والسرج خيّالي
    بإيدا أساور من دهب
    بيدور الطرب ليوم القيامة
    بيدور الرقص ليوم القيامة
    bass on the other hand, all coffee tastes bad :s i dont drink at starbucks for the following reasons (reverse order)
    3. im not a big fan of coffee
    2. its too expensive for a very regular coffee, and regular everything
    1. im boycotting... i dont cre about the 270 million kharoof in watan el 3arabee, howard can climb up on our backs, but he is not gonna use my money for that

    as for those who do go to starbux with statements like: the one in ME is different, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up.... oh fick it, dont wake up, aslan nom el zalmeen 3ebadeh!
    Guys guys take it easy ya 5wan, wallah ma he mistahleh. :D

    As for me, I prefer Ben Al-3ameed, wasat bidon hail, sadah... O ma3 Marlboro Lights, ya walai ana. :D
    • #15
    • KJ
    • Linux OS Firefox Browser
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 1:47:11 PM
    I don't understand how RGB and CMYK work?! How pathetic!

    • #16
    • Hala
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 1:48:49 PM
    Well we already knew all along that Starbucks does not deal with Israel, its CEO does.

    Plus, Starbucks is all about sugar and calories. I personally tried cake and their hot chocolate once or twice back in 2004 maybe. Everything else did not attract me. Sometimes I feel like it is all a 5absa. And their cake tasted better by the way (Which is ironic because it is supposed to be a coffee place, right?)

    I think Starbucks is overrated but people are free to do whatever they want after being presented with the information :)
    and again Moey, who died and made you their spokesperson??!

    moey said: "and who do you think you are to force others to like your taste?"

    lol da7aktni! man ur the one forcing.. u can stuff ur face with their products and be happy with it all u want bas u dont have to push it down anyone's throat coz YOU think its 'different' in the ME and that seriously israelis dont benefit a nickle, sorry a fils.

    i think starbucks sux too, costa and caribou r so much better, even their ka3akeesh lol il muffins w hal ishya i mean..
    you really think there is a standard of "good taste" ??  lol

    I love McDonalnd's and Starbucks!! both of them. It's been an addiction.

    It's a matter of taste qwaider, people don't like the same know, each nation thinks their food is the best. Our Egyptian neigbours think their food is better than Palestinians, and we think some of ther food is it's a matter of personal taste

    I like McDonald's Big tasty sandwich, and Starbuck's Hazelnut Cafe latte ;)
    wut about their "muffins" ,well am not a big fan of starbucks but i liked to have it at least once per month and if i didnt have i will not die .. :)
    same as to Mcdonalds and other baycotted restaurants , honestly speaking when am in jordan i totally forget about these ..
    i miss jordanian coffe shops and local restaurants .. :)
    • #20
    • Sharab
    • Windows Firefox Browser
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 2:57:03 PM
    Yes, I do find it rather sickening when someone tries to rationalize their indefference to human suffering by trying to turn their selfishness into a great cause for freedom while they give their money to a man who supports the Israeli killing machine.  What the fuck is wrong with these assholes. Can't they find a decent cause to support other than their carnal needs.  

    If people want to drink Sratfucks why don't they drink it quietly and shut the fuckup instead of trying to tell us the Israeli bullets that rip through the flesh of Arab babies in Palestine are paid for by Schultz and not the company he founded and he manages and where he makes his money.

    Fucking sick people.
    • #21
    • sam
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 4:28:35 PM
    yeh i dont see the big deal about starbucks...i tried it once because it was the only coffee place at the hospital and it was so not worth the 5 something dollars i paid for it...they do have some very yummy big cookies..but still i will not buy from a company that supports isreal...but they say that starbucks does alot of research before opening new places and only open in neighbourhoods with good im glad that two star bucks opened in our means that buying here was a good investment...:o) so yay!
    Take it easy guys. I already the Starbucks discussion with Qwaider before, but I don't really care for that specific company, but simply think you'd be hard pressed to find a major international corporation without any Jewish investors. So if it really makes you feel good about yourself that you do NOT go to Starbucks. Great, but don't start a fistfight with another Arab over it, because you're doing more harm than good.
    • #23
    • abbas
    • Windows Firefox Browser
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 4:34:47 PM
    Hani, you demonstrate how low your IQ can go again and again. Who said anything about jews you moron. I did not read anypost protesting Jews or Jewish ownership of business. What a dimwit.

    Schultz funds violence against innocent civilians and funds a brutal occupation. When an Arab is accused of supporting violence against Israeli occupation or any other invaders those Arabs are often jailed for supporting terror. But when a Zionist or anyone else supports and funds violence against Arabs we give the excuses and make them wealthier. how sickening.
    Abbas, I won't comment on your IQ, but the fact that you can't help resorting to insults is indicative.

    Lookup AJC, Bnai Brith, AIPAC, and where they get their funding and try again.
    actually I've been reading all comments and the main problem here is that Qwaider and Moey are trying to force each others taste to the other , while non of them is accepting the fact is that each one of them is free to choose what he wants.

    and for stupid moey:
    there is nothing with being gay , actually being gay doesn't mean that you are stupid, coz you said that it's not enough for you to be gay and stupid in one sentence.
    Quing, it's beyond taste. The main idea behind the boycott is to avoid spending money at corporations that support Israel.

    The problem is that Starbucks is small fish. Really the biggest entity that supports Israel militarily and financially is the United States of America.

    So to be serious about a boycott, one would have to:

    - Revoke US passport if you have one
    - Quit any job that relies on American money
    - Not live in the US (to avoid spending money there)
    - Cancel all internet subscriptions, and never use a PC again (both intel and AMD are US based, and Intel has a plant that it is currently expanding in Israel)
    - Cancel credit card accounts
    - Jordan would have to revoke its free trade agreement with the US, expel all US nationals and close the US embassy.
    - Not buy any products made in the US, or manufactured and sold using equipment with US components (i.e. no PCs, NO ICs).

    I don't think anyone writing on this post is that serious about the boycott since their PC is still on.
    قويدر ، والله انك مو سهل
    انا حبيت هاي
    buy any good Arabica coffee (not Arabic, Arabica)

    و اللبيب بالاشارة يفهم ....
    • #28
    • abbas
    • Windows Firefox Browser
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 5:31:52 PM
    quing,  Qwider's revulsion obviously transcends the taste. amazing how you can be so oblivious to the moral dimension of this discussion.
    • #29
    • abbas
    • Windows Firefox Browser
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 6:31:21 PM
    hani, as always, with your stupidty you keep missing all the key angles. Now I know your attention span is that of a gerbil, but please do try to read my comment before mouthing off as always.

    1) a key premise behind any boycott of unfriendly businesses is not just to punish an enemy entity causing harm to us, but to support local and arab industries with our spending habits. so even before we speak of boycotts for the sake of stopping murderers, we have a duty to support indigenous and friendly business and industries in Jordan by giving them our money, with or without any invasion problems.

    2) the second key premise is that not all US companies are evil, only those who are openly zionist, like Starbucks and a few others who have been identified by activists over the years as being right wing or Zionist. There are substitutes to those companies products. So to keep buying their products is...well...

    3) even if we can't do a 100% efficient boycott, A 50% efficient boycott or a 25% efficient boycott across the Arab and Muslim and progressive worlds can deprive enemy companies of billions of dollars in profits and makes doing business in the Arab world unprofitable for them. naturally, they will shut down,  opening the way for friendly companies to establish presence in Arab countries. or the boycott may compel hostile companies to stop their support for zionism.

    your cynical all-or-nothing approach reflects your defeatist mentality. You have always been a weakling who stakes positions friendly to the strong and the rich.

    You are the quintessential Vichy Arab interested in self-preservation above all other humane considerations. i often need nose plugs when i blog with people like you.
    Abbas, it's not all or nothing, it is you who missed the main point which is that Starbucks' contribution is inconsequential compared to America's. This is the chain you are establishing:

    1. Arab consumer buys Coffee from Arab branch of starbucks --> branch pays  percentage/fee to the corporate office --> corporate office returns dividends to it's investors --> Schultz contributes money to Israel --> Israel uses the money to finance it's army

    This is very similar to:
    2. Arab consumer buys PC with Intel CPU --> Intel invests part of that money in its Israel plant, and Intel and its American employees pay taxes to the US Government --> The US government contributes Billions to Israel (15 million dollars a day according to qwaider's post last week:

    You can establish hundreds of these chains, but the point is chain 2 is the biggest one, and it would be impractical and impossible for you to touch it. So if you start a campaign saying use Arab products, that's one thing, but if you're campaigning to boycott Starbucks, you're missing the big picture!
    • #31
    • abbas
    • Windows Firefox Browser
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 9:13:52 PM
    since there is no substitute, intel is a necessity of life and progress; Starbucks is not. I don't think it's a difficult decision. apply that to other goods or services and ask a simple question: is there a substitute by a local or other friendly party? is it essential to our national security? A Whopper is not. Neither is a Starbucks Latte. But Intel is, for now.

    I think you are trying too hard to be smart in finding ways why boycotts don't work. How about if you try hard to be more humane and do the best that you can to send a message to the worst offenders, starting with companies like Starbucks. That's all what anyone can ask of you. And if the day comes the Japanese make a better chip than Intel, we should dump Intel.

    But for you and other assholes to try to portray efforts by decent people who want to make a different as some sort of an idiotic and pointless campaign, now that's despicable. It's all about doing your part or as much of it as you can. failing to do so, you can at least stop  pissing on people for doing theirs.

    Abbas, Intel was just one example, anything contributing to the US government falls under that number two big pipe that's unstoppable.

    You are absolutely correct a BK whopper, a starbucks latte, a pizza hut pizza are all none-essential, and all would taste much better if we made them at home, and all have local alternatives that are cheaper and taste better, but regardless of your strategy of (every little bit helps), and any percentage success we can achieve with the boycott is progress, I don't see the idea pulling enough people behind it to the point that it could shut starbucks or any other such company down. Do you ?

    And knowing that it cannot do that, is it worth it for you to call another Arab names, and for Qwaider and moey to fight ?

    I'm not telling anyone what to do, in the end you will do what you want to do, and I will do the same. I am just justifying why I don't do what you do.
    Stupid Moey
    First you shouldn't use that name. I allowed it once, but I don't think I will allow it again
    Second, there's nothing wrong with being gay. That's a personal matter and none of anyone's business. This doesn't mean that I'm encouraging it. It's none of my business
    Third, thanks, but I can reply on my own. I thank you for your support, but I can take care of this one

    Mohd Shaltaf
    شكلك ستوكون على قائمة العرب المتهمين بالتبول الإرهابي :) طوّل بالك

    Coffe has many beautiful things associated with it. Taste is one of them. It's subtle and acquired.
    The thing is, Starbucks makes junk of a coffee! I live in SEATTLE! The Coffee capital of the world, there are so many coffee places here that are not as large as Starbucks but they beat it hands down on taste.

    HEHEHE! I love Ben El 3ameed! It's awesome! In fact, I prefer any of the coffee places in Jordan to Starbucks (Yes, even Abu Issa coffee, I just love that!) Although, that is technically not coffee!

    You know, I knew about RGB and CMYK when I got my first PC back in the 80's with a CGA colors. Back then everyone understood what RGB meant because you had to get a monitor that supported it! That's when some people didn't even know how to keep the bed dry at night!

    Yes, you're right, it's really old news
    and yes, it's all sugar and calories.
    Thier cake tastes just like the cake at 7-Eleven, they all get from the same place! Costco, Sams club or Cash and Carry. Same calorie bombs, but people enjoy the more "expensive" junk

    Yep, people are free to eat whatever they want, but if someone comes to me and tells me "OH THE TASTE" and mention Starbucks, I'm going to puke. Because Starbucks sucks so badly on taste!

    Verbal Alchemy
    Yeah, Moey is appointed by Howard as Starbucks Middle East's representitive! Oh wait, it's al Sahy3! The train their Barista's VA! You know what? Barista is really not a Job! It's like flipping burgers at McDonald's You don't go to "Espresso University" to get a degree in that! :)

    Abed Hamdan
    Let me make you a Hazelnut coffee with plain half and half and you will divorce Starbucks and know what I mean by good taste.
    McDonalds is Junk food, just like Starbucks is junk coffee, addiction is part of the experience... not a positive thing though

    Yes, it's a matter of taste, but as someone who knows how to taste, I am telling you, Starbucks sucks! It's bad! People can enjoy it, without flashing "Oh my god it's so good" in my face because simply, it's not!

    Thier muffins are just like everyone else's ... you think they just found the secret of all good taste!? Safeway has the same muffins for 1/8th the price and they are even fresher!
    I agree with you, local coffee shops and restaurants are the best!

    Well said!

    Actually, I've seen so many Starbucks stores that closed! One was bought and converted to Seattle's Best, another just closed as a KIOSK espresso drove them out of business because it was (A) A small neighborhood, and (B) the people were so aware of the evil tricks of Starbucks that they went out of their way to support the single mother standing in the kiosk in the parking lot across the street from the fancy Starbucks! End result. The single mommy won
    In Vancouver BC, the Local coffee chain beat Starbucks in taste, verity and friendliness! It would be packed while Starbucks (bikish dobban), and in Abdoun, the guys on a stand with boiling coffee is doing very well standing next to Starbucks, even blue Fig (which also has crappy coffe. Sits right next to Starbucks and apparently has better business selling coffee than it's international competitor few feet away!

    I agree with your reasoning. But trust me Hani is not the enemy, he has an alternate point of view and I'm not even sure he disagrees.

    Yes,  all those lobbyists force the whole US foreign policy and say it in Israel's favor.

    I'm not trying to force my taste, I'm saying Starbucks is no taste! It's crap! I know because:
    1) I'm a gourmet chef! Check my food section
    2) I live in Seattle, the coffee capital of the world. So it's easy to compare and contrast between different flavors.
    3) I come from a heritage that has historically dominated coffee. Arabs are the ones who kept the secrets of coffee locked up for centuries. It was their own yummy invention that was a catalyst (according to many sources) for the industrial revolution in Europe
    Trust me, I know what tastes good and what doesn't.

    As for the little "gay" thing. I doubt moey is gay. Gay's usually have a better sense of taste, fashion and beauty. he fails on that front

    It IS taste too. On top of all the stuff. Taste is the last argument people will give you, and they don't know how much distaste they are presenting when they use that argument.

    Starbucks is a small fish indeed. Intel and AMD are a little larger fish. And the whole US is even a larger whale. But taking radical measure or going out of your way to send a message is not necessary. It's a crappy product that we are paying our hard earned cash for.
    Oh, and Big fish, live off smaller fish, if you catch my drift
    USA is built on corporations. Make the corps suffer, and they will change. Make Starbucks fire their CEO for his "Actions" and other will learn. At least, they will know it's not going to be tolerated as simple as that by the 300 million Kharoof that Mariam talked about

    و انت مش عبيط ... و اللبيب .. فعلا ... بيفهم

    Yep, this is one issue that has way too many dimensions to gain my appeal... and it would never do

    Take it easy. I think Hani is trying to make a larger point
    It's good to play the devil's advocate. In fact, it's VERY important for someone to play that most hated role... why!? Because it keeps us all honest.
    Just take it easy on him. He does have a point you know. It's not all that clear. But I'm sure it is there.

    That's right, it's not all or nothing... there is so much gray in between

    I'll let you two enjoy the conversation ... but take it easy guys... trust me you are both on the same side

    Oh and by the way, I'm not fighting with Moey! He's been craving a fight for a while, and I just gave it to him. As they say, "badano bo7okko"
    Qwaider, thank you, we all want the same thing here.
    I didn't argue the taste part because that's subjective, but I'll have to try Arabica coffee just out of curiosity now that I know what it is :)
    • #35
    • Farah
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 10:08:00 PM
    So before I go to any restaurant or cafe im supposed to check the political agenda of the owner? You don't like starbucks thats fine, nobody's forcing you to chug on their drinks, but you dont get to judge me for choosing to. It's a matter of personal choice. For all boycotters out there, i suggest you make a list of places to be boycotted. It would make things so much easier for the following masses.
    Farah, actually there are a bunch of lists.
    But we're not saying boycott with no reason. Most of the places have an agenda. In fact, in the 21st century even baby cloths have agendas. It does make a great difference to check

    As for the taste, which happens to be subjective as Hani said. It is really mediocre when it comes to Starbucks.
    • #37
    • Moey
    • Apple Mac Firefox Browser
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 10:45:16 PM
    Starbucks owns Seattle's Best.
    • #38
    • Moey
    • Apple Mac Firefox Browser
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 10:47:11 PM
    Oh and by the way, I'm not fighting with Moey! He's been craving a fight for a while, and I just gave it to him. As they say, "badano bo7okko"


    Ya 7aram, jadd wad3ak ma2sawi Qwaider, you have brain blockage and nothing to blog about so you pick a fight with me? I was going to write something bas bte3raf shu, khalleha benna a7san ;)
    • #39
    • lama
    • Windows Firefox Browser
    • Said
    • On: 3/14/2008 10:56:32 PM
    farah, the whole argument started because assholes like you were going around mocking those among us who are trying to make a stand with our money. so if you mind your fucking business we will mind our on. you can drink piss for all we care. you kiss sharon's ass too while at it. just don't come around giving us lectures about our choices in what we boycott and what we buy.
    Yes Moey, Starbucks owns Seattle's best, but I've been here through the whole buyout process :) So yeah, I've seen it!
    Funny thing, SBC made a better cup a coffee for some reason! Tally's the -other- giant tops both. Not to mention the other really great places. Allegro, Lowry's, JJJ(RIP now), Kahili and many many others

    Funny you should mention writer's block, since I posted TWO articles at the same time!

    Oh and I'm shaking now. Why do you keep running your mouth with empty threats! If you had anything you would have done it already. You have in the past. What is stopping you now? Shame? You have none habeebi. And I'm not just "being an ass". I'm dealing with you better than you deserve actually.

    Lama ..
    Wow! I don't know what to say .. but can you cool down a bit?
    • #41
    • Budoor
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 3/15/2008 5:10:54 AM
    I have some important stuff to say today
    i went to a lecture (few days ago)
    and the lecturer was talking to us abt carcinogenic stuff, things that may lead to cancer
    and one of it was ......COFFEE
    the structure of caffiene in coffee is similar to that of the nucleotide base of our DNA. so it actually blocks the DNA repair mechanism, and may lead to serious issues, such as cancer.
    SO I do recommend everyone to think into it deeply ....and as the lecturer was saying you may know the facts but its actually up to you to actually take good care of yourself...
    BTW cancer may be chronic, meaning that it may take a few years maybe 20 yrs or more to manifest itself.

    And about starbucks well i prefer san francisco to it and i do not drink coffee only chocolate frappies, try it every1! :)
    the seattle kiosk q mentioned, a single mom with a small kiosk im sure her coffee doesnt taste that great, and a great amazing brand with "lets pretend" high quality, unfortunately, in our neighborhood (abu 3arab), starbux won!
    and by the way, thinking that its "a personal choice" to boycot or not, is selfish...
    Guys , I think you all should try Cups&Kilo's coffe , It's amazing!
    there is a branch in addoun and front of Radisson sas hotel , Believe it or not ,Cups&Kilo's coffe tats way better then starbucks.
    Give it a try.
    • #44
    • Farah
    • Windows Internet Explorer
    • Said
    • On: 3/15/2008 8:14:50 PM
    lama, well aren't you the epitome of class. Actually the argument started with condescending snobs like you telling us theyre better poeple for choosing to boycott. do you honestly believe youre making the world a better place? all you do is go along with the mindless masses who cant wait to involve a major corporation with israel or america. hun most of the stuff u eat, drink or wear probably supports something you dont. but if it helps you sleep better at night, well enjoy.
    So please get off your high horse before going on with your R-rated comments.
    The best thing Starbucks sells is bottled water
    • #46
    • Susu
    • Windows Firefox Browser
    • Said
    • On: 3/16/2008 12:16:41 AM
    farah,some of us believe that collective action makes a difference. you have to respect our choice. and if enough decent people act together, they can have an impact.

    if it makes you feel better to go through life believing you are a worthless and hapless human being who must indulge her every whim and desire at any cost to anyone, then do so but please i beg you do not fucking turn your indulgence and indifference and apathy into some noble act to beat us with.
    Can you let me know where did you hear that they do not deal with Israel? I dont mean to doubt what you are saying, I have been boycotting them for 2 years and I need to make sure..
    Princess N, the have a statement on their website indicating that they don't. They have also closed their shops in Israel for few reasons. (a) the Israeli's are too smart (look up stingy) to shell out $4 for a crappy cup of coffee. (2) The regional instability means that coffee shops are not great attractions there.

    The CEO of Starbucks continues to support the Israeli Army and he's really not ashamed of it or anything.
    • #49
    • JJ
    • Windows Firefox Browser
    • Said
    • On: 3/16/2008 11:54:27 AM
    Person #1: "Since Starbucks does not do business with Israel I will buy from Starbucks. Its founder and CEO is free to do whatever he wants with his money. This has nothing to do with Starbucks."

    Person #2: "Since Founder and CEO of Starbucks makes his money from Starbucks profits and he is a proud supporter of Israel, I will not give my money to Starbucks."

    Person #1 burned 100 calories since his argument required impressive acrobatics.

    Person #2 burned 10 calories since it does not require a rocket scientist to arrive to his conclusion.

    farah, ur such a defeated person inside out! if we dont have enough clothing to cover our shoulders then hey what the heck, lets go all naked! thats what u just said... if they are feeding us then hell lets eat shit and shut up! please look into your heart for the last shred of dignity, betta3meesh khoboz ay na3am, bass el joo3 el jarboo3 yakolna shoo ma bne3raf gheir nakol!
    Ali al hasani, what are cups and kilos? jordanian mark? i know them and tasted their coffee, nothing special, i think i will just stick to home made tea
    I never liked Starbucks anyway. I prefer dunkin donut's coffee it's really good.
    Hey, did you know that they are now selling it in grocery stores? You can get it and brew it at home. Great for coffeeholics like me who have to burn the midnight oil working on my thesis
    You too can have your Memories Documented


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