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And when the murderer is white....

    You hear NOTHING about his religion. You hear nothing about his background, and you hear nothing about his ethnicity.

    This is the hypocrisy that accompanied the release of the news on recent man who shamefully murdered his wife. The media was frantic and immediately started blaming it on Islam and how this Muslim man was engaged in honor killings and how these are so common in Islamic nations.

    Yet, as my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of Binghamton, NY. I just couldn't bite my tongue to the level of secrecy surrounding the identity of the gunman. No one rushed to reveal how this guy is this or that. Even though it's been hours since the story hit the media

    If it was a black, Hispanic or most importantly an Arab or a Muslim. His name, and the name of his grade school teacher would have been smeared all over the media rubbing our noses into it.

    Update: The actual ethnicity has been released, since he turned out not to be white. The man goes by other aliases but he's believed to be Jiverly Voong

    Read all of And when the murderer is white....

    جتكم ستّين نيلة

    الى شويّة العيال التافهيين و الصّيّع وراء مشروع "اللغة" المصرية، جتكم ستّين نيلة. اجري العب بعيد انته و هوّة

    الا يكفينا فرقة و تخلّف حتى نعمل على زيادة الفُرقة و العنصرية عن طريق دعوات التخلّف المسمّاة بـمشاريع تحديث اللغة؟ هل تستوعبون اللغة اصلا حتّى تنادون بتحديثها؟

    اكثر ما اخشاه هو ان تكون هذه الدعوة من بعض المُغرضين في المجتمع المصرى لزيادة النزعة العنصرية المصرية - العربية. و المصرية-المصرية . لتفتيت المجتمع المصرى اكثر و اكثر. و هذه المرة عن طريق استبدال اللغة الفصحى بالعامّية.

    Read all of جتكم ستّين نيلة

    Honor Killings database progress

    Just to keep everyone in sync, here's a quick update

    First, thanks to everyone for their support. Especially those who took some time to research incidents and report them. It's really a huge effort and I still need more. Otherwise here's what has been done so far

    1. Database created
    2. Engine 20% done
    3. Added country to database (Yes, this will no longer be localized to Jordan)
    4. Adding a special "report a new incident page"
    5. Administrative UI 20% done
    6. Public counter 20% done

    Read all of Honor Killings database progress

    On rumors, Google acquisitions, and uninspired Arabs!

    Arabs ...

    Somehow, we have been conditioned to think that we're imbeciles. Stupid and have nothing of value other than natural resources that we only recently discovered ways to excavate (thanks to the advanced west) and get ripped off while trading.

    It's absolutely sad to see such ideas circulating among the "promising" youth in the Arab world. It's like failing even before having a problem to solve!

    But we do have a problem. A major problem actually.

    We're consumed in either live in denial of how backward we really are. Or we completely put ourselves and everyone else down thinking that there's no hope!

    Then there are those who think computer is only the Internet, and therefore anything that is worth investing in, is a "Website"

    Read all of On rumors, Google acquisitions, and uninspired Arabs!

    One of my darkest secrets

    I don't think anyone knows the kind of relationship I have with ...

    No, not the dark ... This is my #1, all time favorite rock band... Just allow the clip to reach the many Guitar solos and just let your head bang till you can't think anymore!

    Read all of One of my darkest secrets