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So why do you -really- need an F16?

    The official story is that Israel is using Apache Helicopters, and F16 jets to fight the people of Gaza. When in fact a Phantom from the 70's would have been just as effective

    In fact, a decommissioned world war II fighter/bomber would do..

    In fact, a World War I biplane would have done the job as well. It's a fight against people who don't have any means of defending themselves.

    Speaking of latest technologies against Gaza, did you know that the very first Tanks in the world were used against the Othman Empire in a battle in Gaza? (And the Ottomans were winning until they were later betrayed by the Arabs, and let's not name names)

    Read all of So why do you -really- need an F16?

    Why Hamas can never be defeated

    This is the fourth article I start, before quickly deciding that I really can't publish. So I'm going to talk about why Hamas is never going to be defeated

    What people don't realize is that Hamas has become part of the very fabric of the Gazan society. It's no longer a movement, a party. It's an Ideology.

    Conveniently, many of the western media outlets refer to all the resistance in Gaza as Hamas. What they don't know is that only ONE faction is actually loyal to Hamas the political movement. While the rest are daughters of Fatah, the democratic liberation front of Palestine and others. As you can see, one "secular" and one even left wing.

    What Israel is doing is what Hanan Ashrawi eloquently said, Israel is battering the struggling moderates and completely removing any level of credibility of any of the peace camp. This war has dealt this camp a deadly blow, while extremism (way beyond Hamas) is finding fertile grounds

    Read all of Why Hamas can never be defeated

    بكل الإحترام، ممكن نتشطّر على الحمار؟

    مشان القرود! ممكن نترك البردعة و نتشطّر على الحمار؟

    بدل ما نلوم المتظاهرين.. ممكن نطالب بشوية (شوي بس) انسانية؟

    ممكن نسكت شوي عن المقاومة .. و نركّز على الإجرام الإسرائيلي؟

    ممكن نترك تقطيع لحم بعض، و نركّز على الكارثة اللي اصابتنا جميعا؟

    Read all of بكل الإحترام، ممكن نتشطّر على الحمار؟

    Fighting for life

    There are a few videos that show some pragmatic-dogmatic junior leaders in the resistance assuring that they're striving for martyrdom (look up: death). While this is part of the resistance, [dying for the cause], it's ultimately NOT what any resistance movement really wants or have as its final goal.

    What many don't get is that people are fighting for their own life. For their very existence, and that of their families and loved ones.

    These people need to get educated, that although Martyrdom is a great honor. Living to enjoy your success might be more rewarding. Especially for people close to the deceased.

    Read all of Fighting for life

    Highlight: Noam Chomsky on the US, Israel, and Gaza

    I'm going to run a series of Highlights, this is the first..

    What He Said[Barak]:

    “Hamas has so far sustained a very heavy blow from us, but we have yet to achieve our objective and therefore the operation continues”.

    Ehud Barak, Israeli Defense Minister, January 6th 2008.

    What He Meant: ...

    Read all of Highlight: Noam Chomsky on the US, Israel, and Gaza

    Realistically... Is there hope?

    Hope is one of those luxuries that very few are blessed to dream of. Ok, that sounds too pessimistic, allow me to start again

    Hope, is one of those terms that no one can prove to exist. It's just like prayers, God and fate. People can feel it, people swear that they sense it. But there is no scientific mechanism to gauge it. Or prove it. It just exist!

    Philosophically speaking, anything that we can imagine, can exist. Most of the stuff that exist, we can't imagine. Although, I tend to believe that anything we can imagine DOES exist, even if it was a figment of our imagination.

    In some alternate reality out there, Palestinians are not suffering, their children are chubby, happy and barely scraping through school...

    But that's an alternate fictitious reality

    Read all of Realistically... Is there hope?

    If you suffer from low blood pressure...

    Then watch the US media!

    Few minutes in front of Fox news or CNN are enough to make the blood of a polar bear boil

    I decided to retreat to the comfort of my Aljazeera, to get these feelings of frustration and betrayal by the media that claims to be fair and balanced. If not credit-worthy and reports only the truth.

    I don't understand how people who work in the mainstream media sleep at night, when they blatantly look you in the eye and with the most sincere, calm, confident voice lie to you...

    Read all of If you suffer from low blood pressure...

    Blaming the victim mentality

    I'm pissed off at some Arabs these days...

    Not because they are not doing anything to support people who are getting killed, maimed, starved, believed and treated worse than animals in Gaza

    But because they're blaming these victims for being the reason for this war. They're blaming them for starting it. For attacking Israel. Sometimes calling it, you can't pick a fight with someone larger than your size. Others blaming them because they knew ahead of time that Israel is going to be very cruel in it's retaliation. Or because they live in densely populated areas, therefore the choice of fighting back isn't really theirs

    Well, excuse me, but this war wasn't ignited because they did something. This war NEVER stopped. It has been ongoing for decades and this recent wave isn't the result of a tit-for-tat action

    Don't you think someone resisting would rather be resisting from the comfort of his air-conditioned-UV-shielded-oxygen-supplied F16 seat where he's far from harm and all he has to do is play a video game where he picks targets on a dim-lit screen and bang! Then he can go home a hero?

    That choice isn't available...

    Read all of Blaming the victim mentality

    Breaking News: Hezbollah enters the war

    This is such an interesting turn of events. Paralleled only by the manly actions of Hugo Chávez and Erdoğan.

    According to Aljazeera, Northern Israel is being rocked by Katyusha right now and this means, someone stood true to their word. Or this is an elaborate ploy by the Israeli army

    There ware only TWO FOUR missiles launched. Injuring 4, no one has yet claimed responsibility yet. So it's not 100% certain that it's Hezbollah, and the whole situation appears suspicious

    Israeli officials doubt Hezbollah were behind the attack and fire 4 artillery rounds into Lebanon

    This is become less likely to be the work of Hezbollah

    Read all of Breaking News: Hezbollah enters the war

    To add insult to injury... Joe the Plumber heads to Gaza!

    Apparently, the credentials for Foreign correspondent have fallen sharply these days ...

    Election superstar celebrity Joe the Plumber (who turned out not to even be a licensed plumber) is heading to Gaza to cover the violence there and -surprise- the Israeli officials are pretty excited to have him.

    (CNN) – Joe Wurzelbacher: Plumber. Campaign celebrity. Foreign correspondent?

    ‘Joe the Plumber’ is headed overseas to try his hand at covering the conflict in Gaza, Wurzelbacher’s publicist Thomas Tabback confirmed to CNN Wednesday.

    Wurzelbacher plans to spend 10 days in Israel reporting on the conflict for, a Web site run by conservative media outlet Pajamas Media.

    The famous plumber will be focusing on the Israeli perspective on the situation. "It's tragic, I mean it really is,” Wurzelbacher told CNN affiliate WNWO “I don't say that in any little way. It's very tragic, but at the same time what are the Israeli people supposed to do.”

    Wurzelbacher told WNWO he’s not worried about the potential dangers of his new gig. "Being a Christian I'm pretty well protected by God I believe. That's not saying he's going to stop a mortar for me, but you gotta take the chance,” he told the CNN affiliate.

    “Israeli officials are very excited to have him,” Tabback told CNN.

    Read all of To add insult to injury... Joe the Plumber heads to Gaza!