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عُهْرٌ على الهواء

    بداية اعتذر عن العنوان و الذي بصراحة على الرغم من الفاظه شبه النابية الا انني وجدته مناسبا، واصفا للحال المزرية للقنوات الإذاعية في الأردن و بدون استثناء.

    شيء غريب و ظاهرة مثيرة للجدل بكل معنى الكلمة. و من يبحث في الأمر يجده سريعا. البرامج الحوارية التي يديرها مذيعين على اعتقاد انّهم باحثون نفسيّون و محللون اجتماعيون و حتى علماء فلك. و لو ان الأخير لا يمتاز عن الهلوسة بشيء لكن على الأقل على المكشوف

    و الطّامة الكبرى ليست في محاوري البرامج الحوارية بقدر ما هي في الجمهور العجيب و الغريب الذي يذكّرني بحلقة من حلقات جيري سبرينجر (برنامج امريكي يجمع حثالة المجتمع الأمريكي و يجابههم ببعض عبر شاشة التلفاز لتعترف كل عاهرة لأختها كيف انّها اغوت زوج الأخرى الذي يعترف فيما بعد انّه مثليي الجنس و يحب اخاها. و هذه مجرد احدى القصص "المفبركة" التي تشاهد على شاشة التلفزيون في البرنامج المذكور)

    لكن من الواضح ان حمّى الإثارة الجنسية الإذاعية وصلت و فرضت وجودها بكل قوة على الإذاعات العربية في كل برامج اللّيل و آخره. و البرامج الحوارية الساخنة

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    Bad economy hits Lebanese singers

    This is hilarious!

    Milhem Zain (superstar 2nd runner up) cancelled concert scheduled for November 14th. The reason, "Bad economy"

    Read all of Bad economy hits Lebanese singers

    Look Mom, No burning flags!

    If there was a greater gift, or a greater way to congratulate the American people it would be this... Have you seen a single burning American flag anywhere in the world since the election of Obama?

    I guess this is something for the American people to ponder. How come, people around the world are so excited about Obama? How come people appear to stop hating Americans all of a sudden!? Democracy didn't change. Liberty didn't change. Freedom didn't change, so what did?

    Looking back at historical data to figure out what's going on right now is something I do for a living. In a completely different form of course. But just like scientists who study seismic activity go over all the data they have acquired prior to an earth quake, this is one political earthquake that deserves it's own study and deep analysis.

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    On being a m7ajabeh (wearing the veil) in the U.S.

    I am a strong believer of the 7jab (veil) and I wear it proudly. I knew I would have some difficulty when I came to the U.S. especially with all the distorted views most Americans have of Muslims. I prepared myself for the stares that I knew I would definitely get. Wherever I go, whether it's to the mall or a restaurant, I know I will turn a few heads. I try not to let it get to me, but sometimes I just can't!


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    Microblogging challenge!

    Every couple of day the same idea appear to pop straight back into my mind. So I'm going to bounce it back to you my readers.

    Do you think Microblogging (Twitter & co) is worth the trouble?

    Read all of Microblogging challenge!

    Get married my son!

    Look who's advising people to get married..... MOI!

    Of the most unlikely people on the face of this planet, I declare, that I had some really bad thoughts about marriage that I have decided after trial and careful contemplation to change, yes .. you heard that right!

    I new position on marriage is, GO FOR IT! It's such an amazing adventure that you will most likely not regret. But you will always regret spending your life single, moping at your parent's couch.

    So why do I have this sudden change of heart!? Well, after trying it out for a while now. And after comparing the horror stories I used to see, and hear all around me. I came to a conclusion that... There is no rule! What happens to others might not happen to you... BUT...

    Choose wisely my son...

    Read all of Get married my son!

    It's OVER! Even before the Fat lady sings!

    OBAMA is the next president of the UNITED STATES!

    McCain just conceded and congratulated Obama


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    Blow by blow on the Elections with Voices Without Votes

    Everything you need to know about what's going, up to the minute...

    What will Obama do for you?


    I'm surrounded by deeply entrenched McCain supporters over here! This was one of the questions that they ambushed me with. "What will Obama do for you?"

    As the vocal onslaught progressed between the McCain supporters and the SINGLE Obama supporter. I thought it's a good idea to withdraw for now ... but the question lingered!

    Obama Tear

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    Children grow up
    Some Grownups act childishly
    some grow up
    Others evolve their Childish techniques

    Read all of Childishly