Blog 4 Jordan Day

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Today, I'm 1 year old!

    One year ago, exactly like today. I woke up in the morning and decided. I will never smoke anymore.

    I have to admit, at first, I wasn't sure it's going to last, and look at me today .. one full year later.. And NOT A SINGLE PUFF! No Cigarettes, no hookah, NOTHING!


    But the weird thing is that this stupid counter... doesn't want to admit that I reached 1 year!! Dang it!

    Read all of Today, I'm 1 year old!

    70 days ... No Fouad

    The counter keeps rising, and freedom keeps plummeting


    Seventy days, of oppression, of arrest without warrant, of no trial, of violation to human rights, of violation of humanity.

    Seventy days since Fouad's wife, and two kids have seen him

    Look at these faces, and tell them, your father is still not coming tonight kids...

    The cruelty of humans, never seizes to disgust me!

    It's time to stop the silenceStop it, Sop it now

    Read all of 70 days ... No Fouad

    What if it never comes?

    In marriage there are two kinds of love, love before leading and culminating with marriage, and love that starts the minute they tie the knot. Make no mistake, they completely different kinds of love.

    Sadly, regardless of what happens before marriage, the one after marriage is never guaranteed to ever happen.

    Read all of What if it never comes?

    كلمات - أسلاك شائكة

    كلّما قرأت اكثر، كلّما زادت قناعتي ان للكلمات، اسلاك شائكة!

    الكلمات، كخطّاف الصنّارة .. قد يلقيها البعض، لا يأبه لها. فتصيب بشوكتها الصغيرة، موقع الألم الفريسة. و قد تثقب بحدّتها القلوب، و العيون و العقول.. كلمات، ما ان تصطادك، الا و اصابك الألم و التخبّط.. كسمكة تتخبّط مذهولة مما اصابها

    Read all of كلمات - أسلاك شائكة

    Blog about Jordan day March 12th

    Hi all,

    This is an initiative to start something that will hopefully last for years to come. March 12th of Every year will be called. Blog about Jordan day.

    You don't have to be restricted in what your write. Or the language. All you have to do is dedicate one post on March 12th to be about Jordan.

    For this effort I decided to put the support of Qwaider Planet behind it. Not just this blog. Hopefully with everyone's support this will be such a spectacular event that it will catch the eye of the mainstream media

    This blog will be proud to blog about Jordan on March12th.


    Q: Do we have to be Jordanian?
    A: No, everyone is welcome to Join in on this effort

    Q: Does it have to be a positive article?
    A: No, you can voice your criticism if you prefer. You can ask for change. You can demand action.

    Q: Why 12/3/08?
    A: Nothing major happened on this day, so we might as well claim it for writing about Jordan. And the 123 - Jordan is quite nice

    Q: Do I have to like Qwaider for this?
    A: No, you don't have to like Qwaider to do this. You're not doing this for Qwaider. You're doing it for Jordan. For your opinion and ideas about Jordan.

    Read all of Blog about Jordan day March 12th

    Reviewing Jumper (2008)

    This day just keeps getting better!

    Work decided to take us out to catch a movie and what a wonderful choice it was! We saw.... Jumper! This is one fantastic story that I wish could come true.

    Jumper Movie

    This is going to be such a great day!

    7.5/10 on the Qwaider scale!

    Read all of Reviewing Jumper (2008)

    Thank you -secret admirer-

    I opened my door this morning to find the best gift anyone can ever imagine at my door step!

    A HUGE BOX with the YUMMIEST chocolate in the known Universe, Guylian ... But that's not all

    Read all of Thank you -secret admirer-

    How I piss people off!

    NEWS FLASH: Qwaider pisses people off!

    In a surprising turn of events, someone flat out splashed this straight in my face: Qwaider, You piss me off! Everything you write pisses me off! You make me angry! You make me upset. And I feel like chopping your head off at times!

    Maybe I do piss people off! Maybe ... I enjoy it! Maybe I'm just that voice in the back of your head that you managed to ignore, then I came and made you realize that it's still there!

    Like all presidential candidates, here is where I stand on issues

    Read all of How I piss people off!

    Previewing Spiderwick chronicles (2008)

    Just when you thought it doesn't get any better than Harry Potter, a movie comes along to top it all! Yep, Finally a movie that will challenge the dominance of Harry potter on ogres, goblins, griffins, mysterious evil books oh and of course box office dollars

    spiderwick chronicles

    9/10 on the Qwaider scale, This is definitely a must see for all fantasy lovers. Opens on Valentine's day

    Read all of Previewing Spiderwick chronicles (2008)

    Banned from meetings!

    Oh Secratea, why did I ever doubt you!!? WHY!!!?

    Some stupid rude people need to seriously get a life!

    People! When you're in a meeting, there are three things you just CAN NOT DO! No Carrots, No Chips, and no goddamn Snoring!

    Read all of Banned from meetings!