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برادة اردنية

    معلش، حابب اعتذر في البداية على شغلتين، الأولى سقاعة وجهي لطرح شوية كلام مختص بالأردنيين (لكن الصراحة مش حكر عليهم) ثانيـا كتابتي بالعامّية ... شكلي متأثر بعلاء الأسواني هاي الأيام لكن ما علينا...

    Jordan flag

    ممكن حد يفسّرلي اكمّن شغلة مش داخلي مخّي بالمرة؟ مع انّي -مرّات- بفهم الأشياء لحالي .. و حاصل على الثانوية العامة بتقدير مرتفع (ايّام ما كان التوجيهي بيسوى) .. لكن في اشياء في الأردن تتناقض مع كل شي درسته بالعقل و المنطق و الحجة و البرهان و كل اساليب البحث العلمي.

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    Gender attraction

    If we look closely at the sexual attraction of both genders we notice a very odd thing. Males are turned off by a woman who is -with- another man. While women are turned on by a man who is -with- another woman!

    Sexual Attraction

    I know there are many exceptions to this observation. But I've seen this more than I can disregard it.

    Some consider it jealousy, some consider it competitiveness, but one thing is certain. It's there and it's very observable. I've noticed this more in the eastern cultures but this doesn't mean I have not seen it in the west.

    Read all of Gender attraction

    Divorce is in the Air

    Just like love and marriage has seasons, it appears to me that divorce is in the air these days. I can count at least 5 people who either recently got divorced, or on their way to get one.

    Sadly, Divorce has become one of the realities of this day and age. People are no longer satisfied with what they have. Some rightfully, others shouldn't complain but they do anyway!

    Strange enough, one of the words being used so much in spam these days is Divorce! Where spammers are promoting their antidepressants and legal advice through comment spam. If that means anything it means that there's a huge market for divorce "products" just like those breast enlargement pills and the other pills!

    Divorce Cake

    Read all of Divorce is in the Air

    عندما تكتشف انّك اكبر هبيلة

    الصراحة ... انا على اعتقاد دائم انّي شاطر .. و فهمان.. و بفهمها و هية طايرة! و مرّات كتير .. بحس بتأنييب الضمير على ناس او مواقف مرّت في حياتي و تصرّفت فيها بـ"شطارة" او اعتقدت انّي شاطر و فهمان و فاهم الموضوع!...

    ثم تمر السنين .. و تكتشف في ليلة مافيها ضو قمر انّك انضحك عليك.. ! لأ و من مين ... من الملائكة البريئة اللي كمان شوي رح تتبخّر من نعومتها!

    بس بدي احكي لكل شب "مفكّر" حاله ذكي ... ذكائك كوم ... و اكثر بنت برائة شفتها في حياتك ... كوم!

    Read all of عندما تكتشف انّك اكبر هبيلة

    And the truth shall set you free!

    Consider this travellers' advice specifically for people going to the USA

    Before entering most countries (sometimes, post entering the country) a traveller is often requested to declare things they brought with them. Every country has it's own list of materials that they may or may not like to see enter their land. Or at least control the amounts and methods they allow to enter.

    Luckily, I have this philosophy, when in doubt, declare!

    Read all of And the truth shall set you free!

    وصلت ... بس لسة مشتاقلكم

    عجيب الانسان.. لسة داخل البيت.. و كل شي حلو و نظيف و بيجنن... لكن ... و الله لسة قلبي ... بعمّان

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