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Stealing public holidays!

    Of the many things that are considered the simple pleasures of life for the average and below average Jordanian are the public holidays. When you take into consideration that most private sector employees are abused and offered the worst deal possible, with no insurance, no health-care, no proper benefits, employment-at-will, and nothing tangible or worthwhile apart from the under-water salaries a tad better than our "neighbors" and by neighbours I mean Egypt and Syria which shower and drown the employees there with more holidays than Jordan does despite being worse on the economic front, or at least so we think in Jordan.


    Read all of Stealing public holidays!

    The art of Movie-watching

    The place, a movie theatre in Amman
    The Cast, a few bloggers from the Jo-bloggosphere
    Ambiance, dark, adrenaline packed 8 abs forest with tons of gore, blood and flying limps
    Result, cataclysmic bad experience
    Conclusion; It's not the movie.... It's the mindset, company and noise...
    Remedy, learn the Art of Movie-Watching

    RE: Want my money back

    Read all of The art of Movie-watching


    That's IT, I'm never going to prejudge anyone (good or bad) based on race! I will no longer trust of any kind until they prove their worth.

    I decided to go to a specific body shop mainly because it had Mexicans there that gave me the feeling that these people (a) know how to do body work. and (b) they need the goddamn work. and (c) being from a 3rd word country, I felt a sense of comradeship and sympathy. So I naively decided to grant them my business! And BOY was that a mistake!

    Read all of Crooks!