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Me and my mood!

    I've not been in a good mood for the past few days. I barely wrote anything, and apart from fixing a bug in my blog code that has been there for a while. I've just not been able to get myself to do things.

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    Pure Evil

    It's quite amusing to read some reports on the capture of a spy here, a murderer or a thief. And all of a sudden the story becomes more interesting. The person turns out to be the devil reincarnated

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    Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!

    This is one of the most quotes from "Gone with the Wind" by Rhett Butler(Clark Gable) who has given up on Scarlet O'Hara (Vivian Leigh) selfish demands.

    Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn

    What interests me in the 1939 epic-block-buster movie of all times, isn't just the amazing story, or color (which was unusual at the time) or the use of a swear word in that sentence (also arguably a first in those times). But the amazing quality of the way this story is woven into intricate details. To produce the best movie ever made in history.

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    لعيون القمر

    بآخر الشارع
    في حارة الشجر
    و عشباك الليل
    مطرح ما مشي القمر
    في حلوة ناطرة
    هلكها السهر

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    Love yourself....1st!

    I came across a short but sweet article, and I thought, we really need to love ourselves. Many people forget that fact as they're consumed with the day to day chores of being grownups in society.

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    It's been a while, but..

    It has been a while since i last posted here,'s enlightening to observe and it can be funny.

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    For god's sake.... stop repeating yourselves!

    For the past couple of weeks, it's been the same thing happening over and over, people just repeating and repeating the same old "interesting" information

    I just started to feel frustrated that I read something in the news, then I hear bloggers go on and on and on about the same piece of news. Not even modified or anything. humph!

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    افتتاح قسم خاص للعاهات

     قويدر يحيكم الى افتتاح القسم الجديد الخاص بالعاهات....


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    Arab men, Arab women

    I'm touching on this matter again, because once again, as I browse around blogs and read people's comments. I keep getting the same interesting responses. Mainly unmarried Arab ladies, in their twenties, just fuming over Arab men. How these men are selfish, chauvinistic, hypocritical and liars.

    I keep touching on this because as an Arab man, I'm deeply offended by these words. Not only are they unjust generalizations, but they serve absolutely no purpose.


    I'm updating this article because some people seem to think that it insinuates things I didn't mean it to. So for the sake of clarity, this article has been updated

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    My dear, everyone lies

    I know many come to these realizations on their own, sometimes after being advised, and sometimes, NEVER. It surprises me how simplistic most people are when it comes to broad statements like that. "Everyone lies". Everyone? Yes every single person that you have met, seen, descended from or heard of. Every single one lies.

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